Saturday, October 19, 2019

University Convineince Store Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

University Convineince Store - Essay Example The store,  which is planned to be opened in the university campus,  is mainly targeted to provide a convenience to the students residing in the university accommodation and just off campus. The opening of convenience store in the university campus will be of a great deal because the campus is located in  the out strikes of the city  and there is no convenient availability of groceries and other products available to students. The store will be of a great convenience to the student community  and  there is also a high need of such store in the area. The store will provide a hassle free experience of shopping the daily requirement commodities used by the students (Targeting Convenience Store Customers, 2011). The convenient store will also provide utensils like books, pencils, pens and so on, to students in the campus which is in high demand at the campus and which the students found it difficult to manage. Bringing the convenience store will be highly beneficial to the ar ea and students (City of Saint John Citizen Survey - Fall 2010, 2010). Target Market The target market has been identified by analyzing the need of the community at large. The target market needs to be evaluated in order to analyze the targeted customer group. The target market for the convenience store is the main university area and the nearby localities which can approach the store in an easy and convenient manner.  As the campus is located in the out strikes of the city, there is a high inconvenience and hassle faced by the students to meet their day to day requirements (Dunne, Lusch & Carver, 2010). Looking at this factor the target market set for the convenience store are the university campus and nearby areas. There are a large number of students residing in the university... Convenience is the vital factor which is seen by each and every individual around the globe when looking for purchasing the day to day usability items. Convenience store can be said to be as the store which provides a range of products with respect to the day to day usability items like, toiletries, alcoholic, news papers groceries and tobacco products and so on. These stores are opened in the localities which provide convenience to customers to make their purchases in an easy and convenient manner. The report has successfully defined about the convenience store which offers the day to day usability items to the individuals. The report has also discussed the market and customers, which can be targeted by the store for selling their products. The report has discussed that university and hospitals can be targeted for selling the goods. The report has also described that students, staff, patients, local business, tourist, researchers, and athletics can be targeted by the convenience store and can easily increase their sale. Through offering a wide range of goods; the store can enhance its sale and increase its profitability. If the customer based is increased the store can gain reputation or popularity in the near by area and can easily increase its customer along with customer loyalty.

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