Friday, October 18, 2019

Poetry reflexition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Poetry reflexition - Essay Example here, the author has shown qualities of resiliency (as represented by the Sapele, tree being a sturdy and tall tree that is able to withstand strong gust of wind), and conscientiousness. As the literary piece loosens its meaning, the reader may found out the destruction whatever forces which had wreaked the environment. â€Å"This was before the sawmills†, â€Å"Forged copper scraped me a hollow body† and â€Å"The sharpest blade cut me a mouth† could only and literally mean the process of wiping out significant forested areas areas to make way for so-called development. However, the reader can consequently find out that it also meant the diminishing art, music, literature and the culture of Congolese people brought upon by the process of Westernization and assimilation. â€Å"I never learned Mangbetu language, its voiced and unvoiced trill. I speak only with a mouth carved shut.† And this was the sorry state of colonized countries in Africa which had most likely inspired the author to write the

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