Friday, December 20, 2019

History Of United States Healthcare System - 1546 Words

Introduction With incredibly high costs and a lack of high quality care, the multitier healthcare system of the United States has several major flaws. The system we have established has proven to no longer be practical in most, if not all major areas. Improvement initiatives (i.e. Oregon Health Plan, Leapfrog, Lean Manufacturing, and Pay-for-Performance) have been implemented into the current system, and all of them are under experimental measures to determine if they can bring pressure off of the healthcare system. With the increasing support for universal health coverage in order to decrease health disparities in the country, the current quality initiatives seem to be the best ways to improve the quality of care, reduce costs, and increase equality in healthcare. The purpose of this paper is to scope this social problem over the last 30-50 years and carefully examine and predict future problems that may arise if the system is not corrected promptly (Pushman Chung, 2009). History of United States Healthcare The US healthcare system has been more than reasonably been called the accidental system. In fact, Uwe Reinhardt, a Princeton health economist, made the statement that, â€Å"If we had to do it again, no policy analyst would recommend this model.† Researchers on healthcare reform, Pushman and Chang, made the following remarks: â€Å"The decision made by President Roosevelt following his election in 1932 that rejected universal healthcare in favor of passing a bill for SocialShow MoreRelatedThe United States : The Greatest Nation Of The World1219 Words   |  5 PagesINTRODUCTION The United States of America, the self-proclaimed sole remaining superpower, often touts that it is the greatest nation in the world. Yet, when the data is analyzed, this claim is proven time and time again to be wrong, whether it is math or science, literacy or numbers, household income or workforce. Time and time again, and the numbers continue to slip. 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