Thursday, November 21, 2019

Compare between two institutions policies Research Paper

Compare between two institutions policies - Research Paper Example Human resource department in an organization carries out a number of functions for the management of the workforce including recruitment, selection, development, orientation, performance, and career path management (Zanko, 2002). This study aims at analyzing employee development as a human resource function as integrated in human resource functions of Shell and Qatar Petroleum. This will be done through numerating the various ways both organizations have similar employee development methods followed by the difference as represented by the policies implemented on employee decision making in Shell and Qatar Petroleum. Employee development augments the skills and understanding of the employees for the achievement of high productivity by the organization and ability of employees to achieve their own personal goals of career development and promotion in the organization (Schmidheiny, 1992). Since employee development ensures the organization has enough human capital with adequate skills a nd knowledge, therefore, it is very important to be implemented in any organization. At shell, a number of measures are taken to ensure the development of employees. In Qatar Petroleum, measures to improve employee development have also been implemented. ... en Shell and Qatar Petroleum in employee development is that the two companies have realized on the need to develop their employees through the provision of measures for employee development. The two companies understand the benefits of a motivated, skilled and well trained human resource as depicted in the different policies and practices harnessed in ensuring employee development is done in both companies (International Business Publications, 2012). Both Shell and Qatar Petroleum offer training of employees for the benefit of the employees in terms of career development and augments their skills in meeting the company’s needs. The measures taken to ensure employment training however differ in the two companies. Qatar provides employee development through the Qatar Petroleum Corporate Training Department (CT), to ensure all employees have enough skills as required by the company. The ways that are used by Qatar Petroleum Corporate Training Department (CT) include provision of professional and training programs. This is similar to Shell where professional training and development is done by the human resource development department in the organization. Shell and Qatar Petroleum have a similar decision making in human resource development that is the exposure of the employees. Employees in both companies area offered opportunities to work in an international environment since the two companies operate in different countries offering the means for the access of these global environment training opportunities. Shell and Qatar Petroleum provide its employees with different training destinations beyond their home country, mainly middle and high level management, in the subsidiaries. Being global companies, employees have opportunities to work with colleagues from around

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