Sunday, September 8, 2019

Customer behaviour in charity retailing in UK Dissertation

Customer behaviour in charity retailing in UK - Dissertation Example Shopping in charity stores has seen a revived popularity with the emergence of the recession and the popularity of conservation style living. The reasons and drives that consumers feel to enter into thrift stores are varied and interesting as they reflect psychologies about the past as much as modern aesthetics. The emergence of the charity thrift store can be traced to the Salvation Army in London where the store was created in order to give some of those who were unemployed a job, the sale of the items supporting the wages for those collecting the goods. The desire for vintage style and the added bonus of conservation through repurposing has placed the charity store back into the lists of retail outlets being used by modern consumers. 1.2 Background With the emergence of the recession and the consequential focus on conservative spending, charity retailing has become a more significant resource from which to replenish needs and wants. Through items that have been donated by others for sales to benefit charities, revitalization can be found through new owners who can repurpose the items for their own uses. Changes in the retail environment are being reflected through the concept of repurposing. Green technologies and products that are designed for natural, organic, or socially responsible consumerism can be seen as examples of the type of retailing that is designed to provide a sustainable responsibility in consumer behaviour. ... The emergence of the charity thrift store can be traced to the Salvation Army in London where the store was created in order to give some of those who were unemployed a job, the sale of the items supporting the wages for those collecting the goods. The desire for vintage style and the added bonus of conservation through repurposing has placed the charity store back into the lists of retail outlets being used by modern consumers. 1.2 Background With the emergence of the recession and the consequential focus on conservative spending, charity retailing has become a more significant resource from which to replenish needs and wants. Through items that have been donated by others for sales to benefit charities, revitalization can be found through new owners who can repurpose the items for their own uses. Changes in the retail environment are being reflected through the concept of repurposing. Green technologies and products that are designed for natural, organic, or socially responsible co nsumerism can be seen as examples of the type of retailing that is designed to provide a sustainable responsibility in consumer behaviour (Krafft and Mantrala 2010). Consumer behaviours have changed in the last five years as the economy has dived into a recessive cycle. How money is spent is much more closely guarded, thus creating a more conscientious consumer. Items that can be repurposed and given a new function within the hands of a new consumer provides a sense of fulfilment as consumers find themselves trying to find ways to make ends meet. In addition, the charitable concept of buying in a store that is designed to benefit those in need is appealing to the consumer as the trends have been seen to support the evolution of more responsible living. The history of charity

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