Monday, September 30, 2019
History of Atlanta Essay
Even by the standard of America, Atlanta is a young city. Even before it became a settlement, such cities like Cincinnati, Charleston, Chattanooga and New Orleans were already thriving cities. Atlanta can be said to be a bright, aggressive and brash town with the rough ages smoothed by time. The city dashes with the charm of the south. Atlanta has a unique and proud heritage despite its relatively young age and has a past that is worth being preserved. Even though Atlanta was in the South, it was not however of the south from the beginning. It begun as a small railway crossing. As such, it was established as a railway terminus. The culture, values and mores of the town resembled those of the frontier towns of the Old West than of the cities of the Old South. The catalyst for its growth and economy still remains transportation. The city always attracted men and women who possessed vision from the beginning, the opportunists who possessed the foresight to offer the facilities that would make Atlanta become one of the most important cities in the Southeast. The Creek and Cherokee Indians owned the land that is now Atlanta some one hundred and fifty years ago (Robert, 1981). When the first white settlement was founded on the banks of the Chattahoochee River near the Indian village of Standing Peachtree, the United States was well into war. This was in the year eighteen twelve. The white people and the Indians lived together until the year eighteen thirty five when the leaders of Cherokee nation consented under the Treaty of New Echota to leave their lands and move west. During this period, the Cherokee lands were officially under the possession of Georgia, an act that resulted into the infamous Trail of Tears. Farmers and craftsmen from the mountains of North Georgia, Carolinas and Virginia were the early settlers in the area of Atlanta. These early settlers were in most part hardworking and deeply religious. Through lottery disbursements, they came to possess their lands. They lived in harmony and peace with their Indian neighbors. They also owned a few slaves. They built schools and churches. They often traveled to Decatur to trade besides marketing their cotton in Macon which was a hundred miles to the south. In the antebellum south, this society was as close to being termed yeoman as possible. In the metropolitan Atlanta area, some of their pre-Civil War churches, homes, mills and cemeteries are still in existence. The inception of Atlanta was the integration of necessity and geography made possible by the steam engine. The construction of a trade route from the coast of Georgia to the Midwest was voted by the Georgia General Assembly in the year eighteen-thirty six. It was meant to be a state railroad which was to facilitate trade between the state and other regions. The terminal for the railroad was to be at the sparsely populated Georgia Piedmont. It was to run from a particular point on the Tennessee line close to the Tennessee River, starting near Rossville to a point on the Southeastern bank of the Chattahoochee River that could be easily accessed by the branch railroads (Reed, 2006). The name of the railroad was to be the Western and Atlantic Railroad of the State of Georgia. Stephen Harriman Long, an army engineer with a wealth of experience, was offered the task of finding the most practical route foe the new rail line. He chose a site that was eight miles south of the river. The Indian trails and connecting ridges converged at this point. This point that he chose proved to be just the right site with an ideal climate. The stake was driven near the present Five Points in Downtown Atlanta. Atlanta is positioned in the Piedmont Plateau with an elevation of one thousand ands fifty feet yet no natural barriers can impede on the growth of the city. Atlanta grew developed like the towns in the West between the periods that long drove his stake on the ground and the beginning of the civil war. Gold was stroke in the rail lines instead of mining. Opportunists, salesmen, merchants, craftsmen and land speculators were soon attracted by the railroad workers’ little settlement which was aptly named Terminus. What followed were the warehouses, ironworks, textile industry, sawmills and banks. The city later came to be called Marthasville in honor of the Governors daughter. However, prominent citizens considered this mane to be too long and bucolic for the progressive city and hence were changed to Atlanta. The patterns of settlement were slowly being formed. A substantial merchant residential community known as Mechanicsville thrived around the rail yards. Near the White Hall Tavern grew the West End. Luxurious home begun to be built on Marietta, Whitehall, Broad, lower Peachtree and Washington Street as residential avenues of important citizens begun to be established. However, pre-War Atlanta was not a quiet business community. According to Franklin Garrett, the town was classified as tough even as the number of good, moral citizens increased. The city distinctively developed as a railroad center with vices that were characteristic to rough frontier settlements. Gambling dives, brothels, resorts and drinking were normal in the city and the sporting elements were insulting on their defiance of the public order (Robert, 1981). When the Civil War erupted, Atlanta was already an important city. It had a population of more than ten thousand individuals, banks, manufacturing and retail shops, four rail lines, banks, carriage and wheelwright shops, three thousand eight-hundred homes, tanneries, warehouses, mills and iron foundries. It became an important shipping and supply center for the Confederacy. It also possessed the facilities which made it necessary for the Union forces, led by Sherman, to seize and destroy it. In July 1864, General William Tecumseh Sherman began his campaign from Chattanooga to Atlanta. The city surrendered to his forces on September 2 after a series of battles and a siege of the city lasting for a month. The city was on fire not because of Union shells but mainly due to the box of explosives that the retreating Confederates blew up. Evacuation of the city and the destruction of buildings that could be used by the confederates were ordered by Sherman. By the time Sherman started his march to the sea, the only structures left standing in Atlanta were about four hundred buildings. The city became a ghost town of ashes and rubble. When the residents came back and begun rebuilding the town, the city was still smoldering. The residents came back with a new and stronger spirit than before. Their confidence in the future of Atlanta grew and within five years after the holocaust, the city was rebuilt and its prewar population redoubled. The city adopted a new form of architecture which waxes popular during that era since the original antebellum architecture was almost entirely destroyed during the period of the war. However, some of the few fine whitewashed columned mansions that were in downtown Atlanta survived even though others were later destroyed to provide room for state and city buildings. The limits of the city were originally circular and extended one mile from the zero milepost. Its initial expansions were circular too. The demographic patterns of the city were reestablished as before the war. West End continued to thrive as a residential business community of the upper class. Along the Peachtree and Washington Streets, wealthy white citizens established and built Victorian mansions. Prosperous black enclaves also developed despite the fact that segregation existed in the city. These enclaves were concentrated along Auburn Avenue after 1906. Summerhill, Vine City and many other residential pockets around the central city emerged as black neighborhoods. The city experienced rapid growth from the time that the Civil War ended through the last decade of the nineteenth century. The central business district expanded from Union Depot toward the it’s limits by the end of eighteen seventy (Best of Images of America, 2000). The city was dissected by a path of railroad tracks which converged in the lower downtown gulch. The flow of traffic over the tracks was facilitated by the construction of a network of viaducts that were planned in the turn of the twentieth century and completed twenty five years later. The business district was moved to another level by the viaducts which led to the establishment of another area that is presently known as Underground Atlanta. For the railroad depots, a simple utilitarian Italianate architecture was encouraged and this influenced so much the design of the design of the commercial buildings that were constructed before the turn of the century. The foundation of Atlanta’s economy within this period still became the railroads. This continued through to the Second World War when emphasis shifted to truck and air transport. The city’s growth was spurred by transportation and private enterprise. In the final decade of nineteenth century, new rail lines were added to the city’s network. Its dominance as southeast’s railroad center became established with the consolidation of ten radiating lines within that decade which included divisions of Southern Railway totaling five. With the recession and depression of the economy of the nation in the nineteen eighties, a series of fairs and expositions were staged by an Atlanta promoter to attract business in this area. In an attempt to establish a new economic base in the postwar south, the International Cotton Exposition was staged in 1881. Atlanta was advertised as a commercial and transportation center by the Cotton States and International Exposition of 1895 which made Atlanta to emerge as one of the major cities of the Southeast. The Exposition became recognized worldwide and by 1903, many regional and national companies had their headquarters in Atlanta. The growth of Atlanta as an industrial base, contrasting it with the rest of the south which was inclined toward agriculture, came as a result of the fair and exposition. Industrial complexes were established along the rail lines, textile mills also came south and mill villages were also constructed to house the workers. The residential perimeters also expanded with the introduction of horse drawn street car in the 1871. There was also the emergence of several private developers. Among the notable private developers was Joel Hurt who built the fast skyscraper in Atlanta. He also established the first planned residential suburb in Atlanta. Atlanta adopted the Chicago school of architecture in the establishment of skyscrapers of elevator buildings. The city’s skyline was transformed from the picturesque High Victorian to a collection of multipurpose skyscraper office buildings and hotels. These new buildings attracted a large railroad and insurance. Atlanta’s distinctive personality is offered by the early commercial buildings and the Victorian and post-Victorian settlements that were build between 1890 and 1930. Atlanta in the southeast’s capital city, a future city with strong ties to the past, its soul being the old in the new, a heritage that enhances the quality of life in a modern city.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Nettles by Vernon Scannell Essay
The poem ‘Nettles’ by Vernon Scannell revolves around a father’s perspective on an accident involving his son, through which the poet explores a father-son relationship, wherein the father tries to protect his son from the various difficulties in life. However, despite his efforts to shield his son from these problems, they will be a constant threat in life. The boy here is a metaphor for the army, with the nettles being an extended metaphor of recurring war. The combined effect of these metaphors throws light on the difficulties in life. The poet has crafted a title which aptly uses symbolism to depict the nettles as evil. A cursory reading of the poem portrays the protective instinct of a father for his beloved son, whom he tries to protect against all troubles in life. A reference into the author’s life tells us about his own involvement with army life, which is conveyed interestingly in the poem. There is an alternating rhyme scheme present throughout t he poem. Enjambment is used to help make the poem sound like a story. The poem has a single stanza which shall be divided into, for analysis, four stanzas consisting of four lines each. The first stanza revolves around a description of the poet’s son falling into the bed of nettles in a garden. The poet aptly uses the wordâ€Å"bed†, a term often associated with comfort that ironically the nettles cannot provide. The â€Å"green spears†, a metaphor for the flower stalks, show his discontent with the latter, therefore portraying them as a weapon of destruction. A spear is a weapon of war and killing, inducing war and blood imagery. The poet’s interesting word choice in the description of the nettle bed as a â€Å"regiment of spite†portrays them as an enemy. The phrase â€Å"regiment of spite†, coming from archaic vocabulary, is used in the juxtaposition of the nettle bed with an opposing army in a state of war. Moreover, the poet paints the setting of the regiment as being behind the shed. This creates an illusion of a hidden enemy, ready to pounce on his innocent son. The close-knit father-son relationship is shown by the persona’s hatred towards the nettle bed, which hurts his beloved son. The father is willing to do anything to protect his son and despises his son’s enemies and ill wishers. This stanza talks about the father’s protectiveness of his son from the numerous troubles in the latter’s life, inducing the readers to be warm towards this beautiful relationship. The second stanza revolves around the son’s reaction to being hurt by the ‘green spears’. By effective use of word choice, the poet describes the son asâ€Å"the boy†, highlighting the transition in language from a more personal â€Å"my son†. The poet uses visual imagery to conjure vivid images of his son with â€Å"white blisters beaded on his tender skin†. The words ‘white’ and ‘tender’ portray the sonâ₠¬â„¢s innocence and purity. Moreover, the word â€Å"beaded†is used to depict the enormous amount of blisters and how his son’s sufferings were deep. The father speaks about comforting his son in the next line through the word â€Å"soothing†. The pain is being described as ‘raw’, to draw a contrast between the son’s innocence and tenderness, and the nettles’ ability to hurt. The father is afraid that the son’s memories will leave him scars, which may remain with him forever. However, as shown in the end of the stanza, the son’s terrible memory is washed away. The son has moved on from the incident, but the sense of pain still lingers. The father-son relationship is shown to be one of immense love with the father protecting and consoling his son. The third stanza, more literal in meaning, revolves around the narrator’s reaction to his son’s injuries. In the first line, the poet removes his billhook and prepares to destroy the nettles. Through the second line, the poet is shown to be destroying the nettles. By apt use of word choice, the poet describes his ‘fury’, highlighting his anger towards the nettles for trying to harm his son. By the action of destro ying the nettles in this stanza, the poet juxtaposes destruction of enemies and protection of loved ones, throwing light on the persona’s love towards his son. The poet uses personification by describing the nettles with the human quality of being ‘fierce’. This makes them seem like the enemy’s army which has been destroyed by the father. The poet ends the stanza using an enjambment to possibly show the continued struggles in his son’s life, leading the readers to connect emotionally to the father’s devotion to his son’s happiness. The final stanza revolves around the nettles retorting to the father’s attacks. In the first line, the father is shown to give the nettles a funeral. This shows the father ending the troubles caused by the nettles. With effective choice of words, the poet describes how the ’sun’ and ‘rain’, representative of nature and its power, finally help the nettles grow. The word ‘recruits’ shows the enemy army was returning and regrouping. Furthermore, the word ‘tall’ depicts the nettles being stronger and healthier than before and their readiness for the battle. The final line states that the son would be hurt by the nettles soon and again. While problems won’t wane with time, despite all of the father’s efforts, the son will have to find a way to learn to adapt to the renewed struggles in his life. On a concluding note, while an individual may have multiple protectors, the lesson of independence is fundamental to life. Hurdles must be encountered and tackled to emerge with strength and power. One of the most interesting poetic devices used is the metaphor of war, drawing upon the battles in a person’s life. In â€Å"Nettles†, Vernon Scannell expresses how the son must eventually stand up on his feet, despite the father’s attempt to protect him though his life.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Bill Proposal
This bill will require all police stations to make sure all of thee r officers take a est. every year over information learned at police academy, including civil right TTS, state and local laws, incident reporting, crime investigation, constitutional law, and criminal p psychology. This bill will also require that if an officer makes below a 75% on the test, they will have to take classes in order to pass the test before they can resume work. This bill will be implemented by the chief police officers of each station in the state.Also, there will be test ad ministration who create the test with the appropriate information listed above from the police academy. Police chiefs will require and make sure that all of their officers take the test and pas s, if they do not test the officers, the station will be fined $5,000 dollars. This bill will need funding for the test administrators. The funds will come from the money made from certain traffic c violations. It will be enforced by the hea d of each police station, they will require for their office errs to take the test and be rectified.The agencies involved in this bill include all of the police SST actions, police academies of the state, and the test administrators. The police stations will be responsible for giving the tests for recertification, and the test administrators will have to word k with the police academies in order to create the yearly tests. The reasoning behind this bill is to reinforce the important information police officers learn during training, so that they are ABA el to perform their job in an accurate manner. This bill will make the actions of police officers MO re trustworthy and reliable due to the fact that their knowledge is up to date and enforced.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Alconomics. Alcohol consumption in US and Russia Essay
Alconomics. Alcohol consumption in US and Russia - Essay Example Correlation analysis is used to establish whether there is a linear relationship between the variables income (independent) and level of consumption, measured in pints of alcohol for the preceding month (dependent variable). We realize that there is significant positive correlation between the amount of money an individual earns and their tendency to increase alcohol intake, at 1% level of significance. Therefore the richer a Russian is (owing to their immediate income), the greater their tendency to take more alcohol. There is weak positive correlation between the income of an individual and the severity of their alcoholism tendencies. However, the correlation between the variables is not significant at 1% level of significance. This means there is a weak positive relationship between the earnings of an individual and their alcohol consumption rate in the USA. Next we test whether age is a strong determinant (or a determinant at all) of the level of alcohol consumption among individuals. This is tested using regression analysis. The dependent variable is level of consumption (number of pints) while the independent variable is the age of the respondent. Only 2.2% of the variation observed in the dependent variable (age of respondent) is explained by the independent variable (amount of alcohol). Therefore age is not a valuable predictor of the amount of alcohol consumed by the Russian population, when the results are generalized to cover the whole population represented by the sample. Next the study takes a predictive dimension, trying to ascertain what we would expect to see in the levels of alcoholism between the two countries. To do this we assume that on average, the respondents are not sure whether they will stop alcoholism at all. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test is used to test any deviations of the overall response from this pre-determined score (assumed median
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Contract and Agency Business Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Contract and Agency Business Law - Case Study Example The above are the elements required of a contract and they were all present. However, despite the fact that the elements of the contract were fulfilled, there was no written agreement between the two parties and there is no even records of the existing agreement of the contract between the employees and the executive of ABC and hence and hence no formal legal binding of the contract (Adamson, 38). If there is no formal legal binding which is usually in a form of evidence of the terms of the contract with the agreement by parties being indicated through signatures, then the contract can be considered to be non-existent (Andrews, 37). The employees therefore without producing any formal evidence of the contract between them and the executives of the ABC company will lose the case and the executives who act as the agents/ representatives of the company win and the company gets to keep all the money from the sale of the company without sharing it with their former
Surrealism in American Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Surrealism in American Film - Essay Example The essay "Surrealism in American Film" discusses the American film and surrealism. Three American films are good examples of surrealism in the American Cinema. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) by Michel Gondry, Blue Velvet (1986) by David Lynch, and Spellbound (1945) by Alfred Hitchcock all draw upon the cultural movement of Surrealism in order to create their works. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) was written by Charlie Kaufman, well known for his surrealist concepts. David Lynch, who wrote and directed Blue Velvet (1986), is also a well known surrealist who has dealt at length with the theme of the illusory nature of reality. Alfred Hitchcock, whose talents for creating suspenseful films that leave the audience in wonder and shock, has long been an influence to contemporary film directors and writers for the modern interpretations of Surrealism in film. His film Spellbound (1945) is a primary example of this influence. Surrealism is a style of art that was developed to create an expressive expansion of the dreams of artists so that the internal could be expressed rather than the external repeated. For Salvador Dali, the work of the Surrealist is â€Å"based on phantasms and representations brought about by the materializations of unconscious acts†. The style utilizes what is real but puts it into an unreal framework. A good example of this type of recreation is in Salvador Dali’s Lobster Telephone, 1936, where a lobster has been substituted for the receiver of the telephone.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Talking about the poem Let America be America Again, The New Colossus, Essay
Talking about the poem Let America be America Again, The New Colossus, and the novel Enrique's Journey - Essay Example According toHughes, the author, he is not just representing the plight of most of the African Americans, but also the minority groups the economically disadvantaged folks I am the young man, full of strength and hope, Tangled in that ancient endless chain Of profit, power, gain, of grab the land †(6). Besides showing open criticism to the unfair American life, the poem illustrates a ray of hope that is yet to come in the yet to be achieved American dream, â€Å"†¦America never was America to me, and yet I swear this oath-America will be†(Hughes 8). This poem has been an important agenda in most of America’s discussion about the American dream and how it can be redrafted so that all American people enjoy the treasures of their land. According to the poem, in as much as there have not been successful strategies in the achievement of this dream, a great hope hangs in the air over the probability that at one point in time, this dream will be achieved. The author of the poem makes a declaration that America has to be left to itself; here, he emphasizes that the dream that once was a promise by the country should be left to come by, especially for the pioneer of the land, who decided to seek a home in a place that he could be free. The author notes that, â€Å"America was never America to me†(Hughes8).In his perspective, America is expected to go back and become the great dream according to the way the dreamers put it, â€Å"great string land of love†(Hughes 6). In achieving its dream the way the dreamers wanted the land to be, the author wishes that America can be a home for all people. He notes that the country should not have people that are tyrants and kings or those that have to crush other people in their journey to greatness. The author emphasizes in the repetition that, â€Å"It never was America to me†(Hughes 4). In his assertion, the author of this poem wishes that America embodied
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
REC, Inc. and seatle coffee products Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
REC, Inc. and seatle coffee products - Essay Example On the basis of the previous results the company prepares projected income statement for the next accounting period in order to estimate the likely outcome of its operations and sales. This also helps the company to determine variances observed in the actual financial results of the company. The company’s expectations from its business for the complete year 2004 are given as budgeted income statement in Exhibit 2 which indicate that the company expects a monthly average profit of $60,000 (Profit Before Taxes: $720,000/12). These projections are based on the expected number of sales of equivalent units for the year 2004 i.e. the company estimated sale of 10,000 equivalent units which implies an average monthly sale of 830 or 840 units. Based on the comparison between the actual financial results of REC, Inc. and its budgeted income statement it could be ascertained that the company’s profit results for the month January 2004 have felt short by $78,000. This has been against the expectation of the company’s management as the business followed the trend that it has experienced in the last few years related to the market conditions and business cycle. The variation in the actual financial results from the budgeted income statement can be evaluated by examining every element of the actual income statement and comparing it to the budgeted figures for these elements. One of the limitations of the above presented budgeted financials on a monthly basis is that it does not take into account the changes in the business cycle and market conditions which may occur during the financial period. For example, sales of the business could be affected due to the seasonal downturn in a particular month. Therefore, better analysis would have been possible if the company was preparing budgeted income statement on a monthly basis. The table above indicates that the
Monday, September 23, 2019
Descriptive Statistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Descriptive Statistics - Essay Example In simple words, the results are not accurate because the last patient’s survival of 45 weeks is an exceptional entry that has alone a considerable impact on measures of central tendency in this study. Recall that the standard deviation defines an area below and above the mean about which it is expected that a majority of the scores will fall. The researchers; therefore, would be required to submit another set of results on 12 new entries to estimate the mean and central tendency measures. Additional money to researchers will then be granted if they come up with satisfactory results. Research Hypothesis Null Hypothesis: H0 - ? = 9.6 Alternative Hypothesis: Ha = ? > 10 The original claim is that the mean number of weeks that a prostate cancer patient lives after receiving a confirmed diagnosis of being in stage 4 is 9.6. Whereas, the new case study considers that it is above 9.6; therefore, there is need to conduct a statistical test of single average. Test Statistic Variables The independent variables include the age of cancer patients, financial situation of participants etc. The dependent variables may include medical checkups and patients’ personal care. Selection, Problems and Ethical Issues The cancer patients in stage 4 will be selected randomly without identifying their forecasted survival life in weeks by doctors and medical representatives. Indeed, this is an attempt to avert any possibility of biases in the study.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Moral Agency Essay Example for Free
Moral Agency Essay Most philosophers suggest only rational beings, who can reason and form self-interested judgments, are capable of being moral agents. Some suggest those with limited rationality (for example, people who are mildly mentally disabled or infants[1]) also have some basic moral capabilities. [3] Determinists argue all of our actions are the product of antecedent causes, and some believe this is incompatible with free will and thus claim that we have no real control over our actions. Immanuel Kant argued that whether or not our real self, the noumenal self, can choose, we have no choice but to believe that we choose freely when we make a choice. This does not mean that we can control the effects of our actions. Some Indeterminists would argue we have no free will either. If, with respect to human behaviour, a so-called cause results in an indeterminate number of possible, so-called effects, that does not mean the person had the free-thinking independent will to choose that effect. More likely, it was the indeterminate consequence of his chance genetics, chance experiences and chance circumstances relevant at the time of the cause. In Kants philosophy, this calls for an act of faith, the faith free agent is based on something a priori, yet to be known, or immaterial. Otherwise, without free agents a priori fundamental source, socially essential concepts created from human mind, such as justice, would be undermined (responsibility implies freedom of choice) and, in short, civilization and human values would crumble. It is useful to compare the idea of moral agency with the legal doctrine of mens rea, which means guilty mind, and states that a person is legally responsible for what he does as long as he should know what he is doing, and his choices are deliberate. Some theorists discard any attempts to evaluate mental states and, instead, adopt the doctrine of strict liability, whereby one is liable under the law without regard to capacity, and that the only thing is to determine the degree of punishment, if any. Moral determinists would most likely adopt a similar point of view. Psychologist Albert Bandura has observed that moral agents engage in selective moral disengagement in regards to their own inhumane conduct. [4].
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Concepts and Applications of Deep Learning
Concepts and Applications of Deep Learning Abstract: Since 2006, Deep Learning, also known as Hierarchal Leaning has been evolved as a new field of Machine Learning Research. The deep learning model deals with problems on which shallow architectures (e.g. Regression) are affected by the curse of dimensionality. As part of a two-stage learning scheme involving multiple layers of nonlinear processing a set of statistically robust features is automatically extracted from the data. The present tutorial introducing the deep learning special session details the state-of-the-art models and summarizes the current understanding of this learning approach which is a reference for many difficult classification tasks. Deep Learning is a new area of Machine Learning research, which has been introduced with the objective of moving Machine Learning closer to one of its original goals: Artificial Intelligence. Deep Learning is about learning multiple levels of representation and abstraction that help to make sense of data such as images, sound, and tex t. Introduction: Just consider we have to identify someone’s handwriting. The people have different ways of writing, for example, the numbers-Whether they write a ‘7’ or a ‘9’. We know that if there is a close loop on the top of the vertical line then we named it as ‘9’ and if it contains a horizontal line instead of loop then we think it is ‘7’. The thing we used for exact recognition of digit is a smart display of setting smaller features together to make the whole detecting distinguished edges to make lines, observing a horizontal vs. vertical line, seeing the positioning of the vertical section under the horizontal section, detecting a loop in the horizontal section, etc. The idea of the deep learning is the same: find out multiple levels of features that work jointly to define increasingly more abstract aspects of the data. So, Deep Learning is defined as follows: â€Å"A sub-field of machine learning that is based on learning several levels of representations, corresponding to a hierarchy of features or factors or concepts, where higher-level concepts are defined from lower-level ones, and the same lower-level concepts can help to define many higher-level concepts. Deep learning is part of a broader family of machine learning methods based on learning representations. An observation (e.g., an image) can be represented in many ways (e.g., a vector of pixels), but some representations make it easier to learn tasks of interest (e.g., is this the image of a human face?) from examples, and research in this area attempts to define what makes better representations and how to learn them.†see Wikipedia on â€Å"Deep Learning†as of this writing in February 2013; see The performance of recent machine learning algorithms relies greatly on the particular features of the input data. As for example marking emails as spam or not spam, can be performed by breaking down the input document intowords. Selecting the exact feature representation of input data, or feature engineering, is a technique that people can recall previous knowledge of an area to enhance an algorithms computational performance and accuracy. Moving towards general artificial intelligence, algorithms need to be less dependent on this feature engineering and better learn to classify the descriptive factors of input data on their own. Deep learning approaches is useful among many domains: it has had great commercial success powering most of Google and Microsofts current speech recognition, digital image processing, natural language processing, object recognition, etc. Facebook is also planning on using deep learning approaches to understand its users. How to build a deep representation of input data? The main idea is to learn a hierarchy of features one level at a time where the input to one computational level is the output of the previous level for an arbitrary number of levels. Otherwise, shallow representations (most current algorithms like regression) go directly from input data to output classification. Inspirations for Deep Architectures The main inspirations for studying learning algorithms for deep architectures are the following: The brain has a deep architecture The visual cortex is considered and demonstrates an order of regions all of them have a representation of the input, and signals move from one to the next. In case there are also miss connections and at some level parallel paths, so the picture is more complicated). Each level of this feature hierarchy represents the input at a different level of concept, with more abstract features further up in the hierarchy, defined in terms of the lower-level ones. Note that representations in the brain are in between dense distributed and purely local: they arelight: about 1% of neurons are active concurrently in the brain. Given the vast number of neurons, this is still a very efficient (exponentially efficient) representation. Cognitive processes seem deep Humans organize their ideas and concepts hierarchically. Humans first learn simpler concepts and then compose them to represent more abstract ones. Engineers break-up solutions into multiple levels of abstraction and processing. Introspection of linguistically expressible concepts also suggests alightrepresentation: only a small fraction of all possible words/concepts are applicable to a particular input (say a visual scene). One good analogue for deep representations is neurons in the brain (a motivation for ANN) the output of a group of neurons is given as the input to more neurons to form a hierarchical layer structure. Each layerNis composed ofh computational nodes that connect to each computational node in layerN+1. See the image below for an example: Related Work: Historically, the concept of deep learning was originated from artificial neural network research. (Hence, one may occasionally hear the discussion of â€Å"new-generation neural networks†.) Feed-forward neural networks or MLPs with many hidden layers, which are often referred to as deep neural networks (DNNs), are good examples of the models with a deep architecture. Back-propagation (BP), popularized in 1980’s, has been a well-known algorithm for learning the parameters of these networks. Unfortunately back-propagation alone did not work well in practice then for learning networks with more than a small number of hidden layers (see a review and analysis in (Bengio, 2009; Glorot and Bengio, 2010). The pervasive presence of local optima in the non-convex objective function of the deep networks is the main source of difficulties in the learning. Back-propagation is based on local gradient descent, and starts usually at some random initial points. It often gets trapped in poor local optima when the batch-mode BP algorithm is used, and the severity increases significantly as the depth of the networks increases. This difficulty is partially responsible for steering away most of the machine learning and signal processing research from neural networks to shallow models that have convex loss functions (e.g., SVMs, CRFs, and MaxEnt models), for which global optimum can be efficiently obtained at the cost of less modeling power. The applicative domains for deep learning: In natural language processing, a very interesting approach gives a proof that deep architectures can perform multi-task learning, giving state-of-the-art results on difficult tasks like semantic role labeling. Deep architectures can also be applied to regression with Gaussian processes [37] and time series prediction. Another interesting application area is highly nonlinear data compression. To reduce the dimensionality of an input instance, it is sufficient for a deep architecture that the number of units in its last layer is smaller than its input dimensionality. Moreover, adding layers to a neural network can lead to learning more abstract features, from which input instances can be coded with high accuracy in a more compact form. Reducing the dimensionality of data has been presented as one of the first application of deep learning. This approach is very efficient to perform semantic hashing on text documents, where the codes generated by the deepest layer are used to build a hash table from a set of documents. A similar approach for a large scale image database is presented in this special session. Conclusion: Deep learning is about creating an abstract hierarchical representation of the input data to create useful features for traditional machine learning algorithms. Each layer in the hierarchy learns a more abstract and complex feature of the data, such as edges to eyes to faces. This representation gets its power of abstraction by stacking nonlinear functions, where the output of one layer becomes the input to the next. The two main schools of thought for analyzing deep architectures encoding. The probabilistic interpretation means that each layer defines a distribution of hidden units given the observed input,P(h|x). The direct encoding interpretation learns two separate functions theencoderanddecoder- to transform the observed input to the feature space and then back to the observed space. These architectures have had great commercial success so far, powering many natural language processing and image recognition tasks at companies like Google and Microsoft.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Trapped By Their Surroundings And Settings English Literature Essay
Trapped By Their Surroundings And Settings English Literature Essay We all live in a house on fire, no fire department to call; no way out, just the upstairs window to look out of while the fire burns the house down with us trapped, locked in it said by Tennessee Williams. This quote signifies the feeling and the thought process of being trapped as a suppressed community. All Im Asking for is my Body, and the Great Gatsby are two stories which discuss and show us people that are born into a trapped community and people force others or themselves into a trapped situation. These stories also show how people are trapped their surroundings and setting, such as Hawaii and New York. Also depending of the values and traditions of the family people are born into situations that trap them such as family debt. Finally people deserve the right to be free, and most can be free if they chose to stand up for themselves and fight for what they deserve. In All Im Asking for is my Body the characters are born into a trapped society with almost no escape. This younger group is born on to an island, and forced to pay a debt because of a long tradition. This forced debt is seen as normal by the parents and ancestors, but the younger generation is taking a stand. The characters in the story are broken into two groups. The first group is the older group who are acculturate, and trying to keep the old the traditions. The second group is the younger group who are trying to assimilate, and create a new culture and lose the old traditions. Both groups come together in one suppressed community. In The Great Gatsby the characters are born into wealth and status far beyond that of a normal individual, but still find themselves trapped by their own personal problems. The society traps other members of society through such issues as class roles and status. An example of status in Gatsby is George Wilson, the mechanic. He is looked down upon and seen as less than by almost the entire cast of characters, because of his job and his heritage. No matter how hard he works he will never be seen as equal, and will continued to be trapped by characters like Nick. Another example for social roles trapping members of society is that Myrtle and Daisy are both trapped in their sexist roles as women placed on them by society and reinforced on them by Tom Buchanan. Neither woman has the strength and integrity to fight for their freedom and create an independent life, nor does traditional society allow this type of thing to occur and discourages such thinking and behavior. With Hawaii being an island, it is built with no easy escape. The people who immigrated to Hawaii were put to harsh work in the plantation. They made some money, but not enough to pay off their accumulating debt, so for any immigrant to pay for a ride off island was almost out the question. People being born into this society were trapped from the beginning, with almost no way of escaping. Most characters just endure through the troubles, and become comfortable in an oppressed society instead of stand up for themselves. Even though, The Great Gatsby is set in New York, a city built with the idea of freedom, there are still characters in the story which are trapped. New York is place where anything can happen, and hard work is reward. Also people are free to leave the city if they desire. Even though New York is a place of freedom, people still get trapped by society. This shows that even if one is born in a place of freedom one can still become trapped if they become too comfortable, and stop fighting for their goals. In All Im Asking for is my Body, one of the main characters, Tosh, is forced to fulfill his Filial Duty. In the Hawaiian culture there is a philosophy called Filial Piety which is the respect for ones parents. Tosh refuses stand by traditions and clashes with his parents when they expect him to fulfill his Filial Duty to repay the familys debt. The eldest son Tosh viewed the filial responsibility as a tradition that would rob him of his youth, strength, and ambition. He continually fought with his mother and father about money, children, and his freedom from their debt. Whenever his parents argued with Tosh, his mother told him they would not depend on him therefore they will depend on Kiyoshi instead. Tosh told Kiyoshi, Shit, all I asking for is my body. I doan wanna die on the plantation like these other dumb dodos. (48) When tosh grows up he starts to go along with his parents ideal, but to resist being subservient he joins the army to get free, and help his family financial situa tion. This shows that if one fights hard enough for their freedom, they will find a way out. Although in the Great Gatsby, no one is forcefully trapped into a duty, some of the characters set themselves up to be trapped. Daisy is a trapped woman. Shes trapped in a marriage that she is unhappy in and trapped in a world where she has no chance to be free or independent. She is at the mercy of her husband, a man who takes her for granted. George Wilson runs a garage and gas station in the valley of ashes and seems trapped by his position in life. Eventually, he finds out about his wifes double life and his response to it helps drive her to her death. Distraught at what happens, Wilson becomes Fitzgeralds way of expressing the despair prevalent in the seemingly trapped lower-middle class. In All Im Asking the characters within the story show the theme of being trapped by being born into debt, trapped on an island, forced in communities based on background, and completely limited work opportunities. While in the Great Gatsby even though some are born into money, and in a place built on opportunity and freedom the feeling of being trapped still occurs. All I kept thinking about, over and over, was You cant live forever; you cant live forever. (Gatsby). This quote shows that life is short and if people are oppressed should fight for their freedom. If one is oppressed, one will continue to be oppressed until one finally decides to take a stand against the oppressors and change the current situation. If they dont take that stand they will continue to be oppressed because they are not only stuck in life, but theyre way of thinking, and thought process. When they decide to break out of their current mold, fight for their freedom like tosh, they will find a way out while othe rs that find themselves stuck like daisy will remain there until they decide to stand up for themselves.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Navajo Code Talkers Essays -- History Navajo Indians Language Essa
The Navajo Code Talkers During the Pacific portion of World War II, increasingly frequent instances of broken codes plagued the United States Marine Corps. Because the Japanese had become adept code breakers, at one point a code based on a mathematical algorithm could not be considered secure for more than 24 hours. Desperate for an answer to the apparent problem, the Marines decided to implement a non-mathematical code; they turned to Philip Johnston's concept of using a coded Navajo language for transmissions. Although this idea had been successfully implemented during World War I using the Choctaw Indian's language, history generally credits Philip Johnston for the idea to use Navajos to transmit code across enemy lines. Philip recognized that people brought up without hearing Navajo spoken had no chance at all to decipher this unwritten, strangely syntactical, and guttural language (Navajo). Fortunately, Johnston was capable of developing this idea because his missionary father had raised him on the Navajo reservation. As a child, Johnston learned the Navajo language as he grew up along side his many Navajo friends (Lagerquist 19). With this knowledge of the language, Johnston was able to expand upon the idea of Native Americans transmitting messages in their own language in order to fool enemies who were monitoring transmissions. Not only did the Code Talkers transmit messages in Navajo, but the messages were also spoken in a code that Navajos themselves could not understand (Paul 7). This code actually proved vital to the success of the Allied efforts in World War II. Because the Code Talkers performed their duty expertly and efficiently, the Marines could count on both the ... ...ation Fund: 1975. McColm, George. "An Ungrateful Nation." American History. May 12 1999. <> Nash, Gerald. The American West Transformed. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1985. "Navajo Code Talkers in World War II." May 12 1999. <> Paul, Doris A. The Navajo Code Talkers. Pittsburgh: Dorrance Publishing Co. Inc., 1973. Sanchez, George. "The People" A Study of the Navajo. Lawrence: Haskell Institute Print Shop, 1948. Shaffer, Mark. "Navajos Fighting for War medals, Highest Honor for Code Talkers." The Arizona Republic. May 12 1999. <> Department of the Interior. You asked about the Navajo! Lawrence: Haskell Institute, 1961. Indian Affairs Bureau. The Navajo. Report of J.A. Krug, Secretary of the Interior. 1948.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Essay --
Yevette Collier Term 2 FTZ ACUTE RENAL FAILURE Instructor Michelle Earixson-Lamothe 12/05/2013 Explain the pathophysiology of acute renal failure. Include pre-renal, intra-renal, and Post- renal causes. In the Human body there are two kidneys which are predominant component organs that transport waste and other unwanted toxin chemicals out of the blood stream. When the kidneys stop working all the waste backs up into the body which causes several different illnesses. Renal Failure is one of many illnesses that occur. This usually happens because the powerlessness of the nephron in the kidneys that keep fluid, electrolytes, and acid base balances; expel nitrogen waste products; and act upon regulatory functions such as maintaining calcification of bones and producing erythropoietin, cannot maintain homeostasis according to Timby B & Smith N (2010). There are two types of renal failure Acute and chronic. I’m going to elaborate on the most common type acute renal failure. Acute Renal failure Acute renal failure is distinguished by an abrupt rapid diminishing kidney function but, is usually reversible. Pre-renal, Intra-renal, and Post-renal are three general categories that cause acute renal failure. 1. Pre-renal acute renal failure is manifested when a sudden severe decrease in blood pressure (shock) or (renal hypo-perfusion) interruption in blood flow to the kidney from a severe injury or illness (Urinary power point, 2013). According to Williams & Wilkins (2008) in pre-renal ARF, there is nothing wrong with the kidney itself. Affected renal blood flow may result from hemorrhage; third-spacing, MI; primary renal artery stenosis or anything that reduces systemic blood pressure, severe blood loss or volume deple... ...s several times a week. †¢ Peritoneal dialysis uses the lining of your abdomen, called the peritoneal membrane, to filter your blood. This dialysis treatment can be utilized at home when using a continuous peritoneal dialysis. †¢ Renal transplant is a surgical treatment for end stage renal disease. Normally theses transplants are obtained by deceased donors, which are limited and require a close match between blood and tissue type (preferably a twin or family member). Transplant rejection occurs when transplanted tissue is rejected by the recipient's Immune system, which destroys the transplanted tissue. Transplant rejection can be lessened by determining the molecular similitude between donor and recipient and by use of immunosuppressant drugs after transplant. What are the short term nursing goals and long term nursing goals for a client with acute renal failure?
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Benefit Programs in the Major Airline Industry
The Human Resource topic that we selected is to analyze the benefit programs of four major airlines. Benefits are important to employees as well as their families, and can be a powerful recruiting tool. Benefits also play a major role in managerial decisions and wise benefit choices can have a long-term impact on the quality of life. Some characteristics of a sound benefits program are, they must have clear specific objectives, they must allow for employee input, they must be responsive to societal and environmental change, provide for flexibility, and there must be clear communication with employees. One of the main challenges that companies face are the overall costs of these benefit programs to the companies themselves, as well as staying competitive in hopes to attract high quality employees. Almost 40% or $14,678 per employee is spent on benefit programs per year. American Airlines like many other airlines are facing many challenges in the HR area of benefits and incentives. American Airlines as we all know is one of the leading airlines in today†s airline industry. This status reflects upon Americans benefit program. American Airlines realizes that it must stay competitive in this area to ensure that they get the most qualified employees. American Airlines offers many benefits and incentives for their employees with hopes to attract the best. Many of the benefits are standard and required by law such as social security, unemployment, workers compensation, and leaves without pay. What really must be paid attention too are the benefits and incentives that are offered in addition to the ones required by law. These benefits and incentives are what attract individuals to work for American rather than another airline. Benefits such as a 401 K – Super Saver, which allows up to an ample 20% tax provision, a stock purchase plan, a credit union which could help one to buy a house, and personal emergency coupled with sick pay, just to name a few. American Airlines also recognizes ten major holidays for which employees do not have to work, yet they still get paid. Most of these are benefits that competing airlines offer, but one benefit stands out. American Airlines pass travel program is a benefit that many do not tend to overlook. American does not offer free stand-by tickets to its employees until they have been with the airline for 10 years. What they do offer are special discounted rates. This is the major weakness in their strategy to attract employees with benefits. American offers a very long list of benefits and incentives but this is one that is left out. I believe that American Airlines is making a big mistake by not allowing employees to fly for free. To become more effective American Airlines should add this benefit to its list so that it can be competitive with the other airlines. American has many strengths which include benefits that the other airlines do not offer such as a 401 K plans of up to 20%, and a credit union. Although at the same time it has a very large weakness, which is their travel plan that only offers its employees discounted rates, instead of free airfare. American Airlines must feel that it does not have to offer this benefit to attract potential workers, because it has so many other benefits to offer. Continental Airlines prides itself on offering a wide variety of benefits to their employees. The eligibility for these benefits varies according to the length of time an employee has worked for the company, and the position that they hold. One challenge that Continental Airlines face is the cost of providing these benefits to their employees. They have to make sure that they are financially able to provide these benefit programs, while still attracting high quality employees to their company. Some of these benefits include travel passes, profit sharing, stock purchase plans, retirement plans, 401(k) savings plan, vacation and sick pay, an expense reimbursement plan, medical and dental insurance, vision insurance, life insurance, and accident insurance. Although Continental employees and their families are able to travel at reduced rates; they are not able to fly completely for free, which may be considered unfavorable by some employees. Continental employees are also able to share in the financial growth of the company by purchasing Continental stock at a discounted rate. Continental also provides a fully funded retirement plan, which employees vest in after five years of service. It also provides the 401(k) savings plan, which is a great way for employees to save for retirement. The employees can save up to 19% of their salary before taxes are withheld. Continental also matches a portion of their employees†contributions to the 401(k) savings plan. Full and part time employees of Continental are able to take advantage of paid vacations, as well as the sick leave policy which gives employees time off from work, with pay, when they are ill or unable to work. Continental also provides immediate accident insurance upon employment for all of their employees. Continental does provide many benefits upon the initial employment of their employees; however, some benefit plans are not available until seven months after they have been employed. These include medical and dental insurance, vision insurance, long-term disability plan, and life insurance. Most of the plans are pre-tax, which allows employee tax savings. For every employee, there is a benefits program that best suits him or her. Younger employees who do not have the responsibility of families may not be looking for the same benefits as an older employee with a family. Continental needs to realize these differences in employees, in order to provide a benefit program that will attract the high quality employees they are looking for. Southwest Airlines is currently the fastest growing airline in the business. Over the past 10 years Southwest have grown its revenues by 388% and its net income by 1,490%. Some of the things that have helped Southwest to grow so quickly are their personnel. They have found ways to hire employees that have out-performed every major airline for the past three years. Their hiring tactics can be accredited to a healthy business network, in-depth research, a good job database, strong recruiting staff, and an outstanding benefits program. Southwest offers its employees a very competitive benefits program. Their program offers passes and travel privileges, medical insurance, dental insurance, life insurance, long term disability insurance, sick leave, vacation and holiday pay, profit-sharing, 401 (k) plan, stock purchase plan, and a employee assistance plan. One of the special benefits to working at Southwest is flying for free on Southwest and flying free or at a reduced rate on other carriers with whom Southwest has a pass agreement. Effective from the first day of employment, all employees, their spouses, dependant children, and parents of employees all have unlimited travel privileges on Southwest. An employee may view this as a huge benefit when they decide they would like to travel. On the downside of this part of the benefit program, Southwest does not fly everywhere in the United States, and that may pose a problem for an employee that would like to travel somewhere that Southwest does not offer service. Another benefit is Southwest†s medical, dental, and life insurance plans. Employees may choose to incorporate their families with their medical and dental plans in order to save the employee money. The medical and dental plans will cover 100% of the employee†s medical and dental needs, as well as their families needs, with minimal cost to the employee. For the life insurance plan, employees may choose coverage up to 4 times their base annual income in order to protect their family. The long-term disability program is set up in case an employee becomes disabled and can no longer work. Funds are still paid to the family in order to compensate for the employee†s inability to work due to disability. Depending on employment classifications, employees are able to gather time off for personal illness and vacations. Employees celebrate several paid holidays throughout the calendar year, based on their employment classification. Southwest offers its employees a 401-(k) plan. The plan is designed to help employee†s plan for their retirement. Eligible employees may contribute up to 15% of their pay to the plan on a pre-tax basis. Employees direct their investments and may borrow against their account balance. Employees are the basic fiber of Southwest Airlines, so they feel that employees should be able to share in the success of the company by investing in Southwest Airlines Co. tock through payroll reductions. Employees pay only 90% of the market value for the stock, and broker commissions are paid for by Southwest. Southwest cares very much for their employees well being. They offer their employees an assistance plan that helps when employees need it most. The plan provides professional assistance for employees and their families in order to solve personal problems that may arise that would cause their personal lives and job performance to suffer. Southwest Airlines realizes that without its employees the company would cease to work. Southwest offers these benefits to help keep their employees happy and provided for and in return their employees strive to keep Southwest on top. United Airlines is a true global airline that has over 140 stations in more than 30 countries around the world. United prides itself on being a company where opportunity and advancement are determined solely on merit and individual achievement. United supposedly values diversity not only because it is the correct thing to do, but because it is the right business thing to do. United†s stated position is that all employees should be treated with respect and dignity. The policy not only extends to employees, but to United†s customers, vendors, and independent contractors as well. Some of the benefits that United offers to its employees are; company-paid medical, dental, life and long-term disability insurance, pension plan, paid vacations, travel passes, stock purchase plan, 401(k) plan, and credit union. Going against the company†s policy, United Airlines has been in litigation with the city of San Francisco concerning the â€Å"Equal Benefits Law†. Last year United Airlines supposedly negotiated a two-year exemption from the law in order to renew a 25-year lease with the San Francisco Airport. After opposing letters from the National Writers Union (NWU) United Airlines has joined with Air Transportation Association (ATA) in a lawsuit against the city of San Francisco challenging the ordinance. United claimed they never made an agreement with San Francisco and has not yet made a commitment to providing domestic partner benefits. The ordinance states that any entity that contracts with the city of San Francisco must provide equal benefits to its employees†registered domestic partners that it provides to married spouses. Out of its 94,000 hired employees, United currently has approximately 10,000 lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender employees. We believe that United is not very committed to diversity. It is obvious to see that United is trying to limit their benefit packages to those individuals that are not registered domestic partners. Some states still do not recognize domestic partners as legal binding marriages, and as a result, these individuals cannot receive equal benefits. United†s problem is that almost 11% of its total workforce is comprised of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, or transgenders. If United is committed to having diverse employees they should also be diverse in their benefit coverage. United should recognize that they have a diverse background and these select individuals need to be given equal benefits regardless of the added costs. The text mentions that part of providing a sound benefit package is allowing employees to given input into the benefit system. Having employees participate in designing benefits programs would help ensure that management is moving in the direction of satisfying employee wants. To meet the many changes occurring in society, management must reflect these changes in the employee benefits programs. The fact is that benefit plans sometimes provide little advantage to employees. Even though United might be trying to save money, their treatment towards domestic partners are limiting the organization†s ability to attract and retain quality employees. Some of the most effective policies and strategies for dealing with benefit programs are encompassed within each of the four airlines benefit programs offered. There are several benefits that are required by law, which include Social Security, Unemployment, Workers Compensation, and Leaves without Pay. Overall, American Airlines seemed to offer the most versatile benefits program. Although other programs offered similar benefits, we found that American Airlines offered the most conservative program. For example, United Airlines, and Southwest Airlines both offer free flights to all employees as well as their families, which may be more appealing to a young employee without a family. On the downside, we discovered that Southwest Airlines has a limited flight area, which minimizes their costs when employees take advantage of these programs, and allows them to offer these strategic benefits. We feel that American and Continental Airlines are overlooking an important strategic hiring strategy, by not offering free flights to all their employees, since cost of flights are fixed. For example, a flight that is only at 85% capacity will fly for the same price as a flight that is at 100% capacity. Continental Airlines, has a competitive benefits program as well, but it lacks the flight area which both United and American Airlines offer. We felt that American and United Airlines offered the best benefit programs, although American does not offer free flights from day one of employment, they offer many other compelling incentives such as, personal emergency assistance, vacation buying programs, credit union assistance, as well as flight discounts for their employees.
Monday, September 16, 2019
During the Time Periods of the Late 1800’s Through the Early 1900’s Many Countries Were Trying to Gain Power. There Were Many Different Trends That Were Taking Place During These Times to Help These Countries Gain
DBQ Intro: During the time periods of the late 1800’s through the early 1900’s many countries were trying to gain power. There were many different trends that were taking place during these times to help these countries gain control like Colonialism/ Imperialism, Nationalism, and American domination. The first major trend is Colonialism and Imperialism. Document 1 shows colonization/ imperialism by the president wanting America to take control of most of the world if they don’t choose to run how Americans believe they should.POV: in Document 1 it isn’t surprising that President Roosevelt would say this because he is the president of the United States and wants them to have as much power over the world as possible. Document 3 also shows colonization/ imperialism because the Dutch were trying to colonize the Java and people from Java didn’t like them trying to change their history. This document shows how older people in the countries didn’t wa nt things to change and didn’t want to have to accept the new ways of ruling and colonizing by other nations.Document 4 is a picture of a European standing over Africa this shows colonization because the Europeans tried to colonize Africa. Document 5 is a picture that shows that both France and the English have colonized the Africans. Document 6 shows the United States helping other countries colonize. Additional Document that would be helpful here would be a map or chart or even a picture that showed were all Europe had colonized so we could better understand where all European colonization had taken place. The next major trend is Nationalism.Document 2 shows Nationalism because the Jews wanted to live and there homeland which shoes pride in their nation. POV: It is not surprising that Balfour would write this document because he is a Zionist leader and wants the best for his people. Document 3 also shows nationalism because the father didn’t like that his son spoke D utch to him because he had a love for Java and the language that spoke. Document 6 could also fall under nationalism for the Unites States. The last Major trend was American dominationDocument 1 falls into American domination because America and president Roosevelt just wanted to see all the countries run smoothly even if that meant that Americans had to step into make that happen. Document 6 also shows American Domination because it shows all the countries that America colonized. There were many different ways to gain power during the late 1800’s and Early 1900’s. The major trends during these time periods were Nationalism, Colonization/ Imperialism, and American Domination.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Chick Growth Enhancer Essay
ABSTRACT The study is entitled â€Å"Aloe Vera as Chick Growth Enhancer†. Specifically, it sought to find out the efficacy of Aloe Vera as a growth enhancer in broiler chicks. The study aims to produce a low-priced but high quality growth enhancer by using Aloe Vera as a main component. Twenty-one day old straight run broiler chicks were used in the study and were distributed to a cage with a dimension of (33 x 57). The cage was further subdivided into two cages for the different treatments with two birds per cage. Fresh leaves of Aloe Vera were then extracted, 5ml per liter of water. Feeding troughs and waters were also provided for each cage. The set up was composed of experimental and control group. The experimental group was being provided with water containing the Aloe Vera gel. In the other hand, the control group was being provided with only pure water. Data were collected to gather relevant information. The results obtained regarding performance of the broilers showed that Aloe Vera gel groups brought about higher body weight gain, growth, quality of feathers and immune system compared to the control group. From the investigation, the researchers would like to recommend this study to the people of the poultry business who would pursue the Aloe Vera as Chick Growth Enhancer to improve the performance of broiler chicks. Also, further research should be made especially on the right amounts of Aloe Vera in water to achieve a better mixture and produce a better product. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This study would have been impossible without the support and encouragement of many individuals who have given their time, efforts and advice to this study: Mr. Ronel Deloso, their adviser, for having encouraged the researchers to pursue this project, having assisted them in the process of their experiment and for having shared his knowledge in writing this study; Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rony Vasquez, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Ong, and Mr. Malvin Tan and Mrs. Mildred Nakila for the financial and moral support and for believing in them in all their endeavors; also to their friends, classmates and teachers for motivating them to continue this study; Their brothers, Gabrielle, Keith and Joshua for endlessly inspiring them and for offering their help, regardless if it’s big or small; Mr. Raffy K. Fortun, for assisting them in taking care of the chicks and for providing the cages needed for the experiment, for sharing them his expertise and for his suggestions and recommendations to improve the study; Mr. Glenn R. Galendez, for his undying support and faith in them that they were capable of accomplishing this study; and To Almighty God for the wisdom and perseverance that He has bestowed upon them and for endlessly showering them with blessings of strength and confidence to finish this study. CHAPTER I Broiler production is regarded to be one of the biggest and most progressive animal enterprises in the Philippines today. It represents 85 percent of poultry meat that Filipinos consume. As human population increases, the demand for poultry and poultry by products continue to rise. It is therefore advisable to source alternative ways to enhance and hasten animal’s growth. Aloe Vera is found helpful to this cause because it contains vitamins and minerals essential to improve the growth of broiler chicks. In this study, Aloe Vera is used as a growth enhancer substitute. Background of the Study Chicks are young chickens. They require special brooding and temperatures, as well as unique feed and care until they reach a more self-sufficient age. Furthermore, there is a high demand of chickens in the world not only in the Philippines but in the entire world. â€Å"Poultry production is considered one of the most common and very promising agricultural enterprises especially for low income farm families.†It offers several advantages to the raisers. Vitamins A, B and vitamin E, among other vitamins and minerals, are needed by chicks to grow. Aloe Vera is a house plant which comes from the family of lily. It is native to the eastern and southern part of Africa but it has spread throughout many of the warmer regions of the world like the Philippines. Physically, it is a short-stemmed plant that could grow from 80 to 100 cm tall, spreading by offsets and root sprouts. The leaves are lanceolate, thick and fleshy with thorny edges and with color ranging from deep green to grey - green. â€Å"Aloe vera is rich in vitamins and minerals. Specific vitamins include: Vitamin A (Beta-Carotene), Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine), Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Choline, and Folic Acid. The vitamins A, C, and E are responsible for the aloe’s antioxidant activity while vitamin B and choline are involved in amino acid metabolism and vitamin B12 is required for the production and development of blood cells. Among the important minerals found in Aloe Vera are: calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorous, sodium, and zinc. These minerals are essential for good health and are known to work in synergistic combinations with each other, with vitamins and other trace elements.†Objective of the Study This investigatory project primarily aims to test the efficacy of Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller) as a substitute growth enhancer in chicks. More specifically, the study espouses the following objectives: 1. To determine if there is a difference in: a. weight b. growth c. feathers d. immune system Scope and Limitation The study will be conducted at a small poultry farm where the chicks will be observed for 21 days. Fresh leaves of Aloe Vera will serve as the source of extract that will be used in this study. The sample will be freshly collected before extracting. The study focuses on how Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller) leaves extract give potential as a substitute growth enhancer in chicks. Significance of the Study The study would answer the effectiveness of Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller) as Chick Growth Enhancer. The result of this study will provide information not only to the researchers but also to the people of the poultry business. CHAPTER II Review of Related Literature Lorenzo said that Aloe Vera leaf extract contains nutrients which enhance the growth of animals and even boost their immunity ( Chung (2003) stated that vitamins must be present in sufficient quantities in the diet to ensure efficient utilization of carbohydrates, protein, fats, minerals, and water for health and maintenance and production function such as growth development and reproduction. Poultry Raising Guide (1975) cited that in the presence of stressful condition like the movement of the birds, the presence of infection, sudden change of weather and feeding practices, vaccination, deworming and debeaking birds need to be supplemented with vitamins. Aloe gel contains substances known as glycoproteins and polysaccharides. Glycoproteins speed the healing process by stopping pain and inflammation, while polysaccharides stimulate skin growth and repair. These substances may also stimulate the immune system. This is according to University of Maryland (2013) Bejar and Colapo (2005) said that Aside from vitamins and minerals, aloe vera is rich with enzymes (help the breakdown of food sugars and fats), hormones (aid in healing and anti-inflammatory activities), sugars (i.e. glucose and fructose that provide anti-inflammatory activity), anthraquinones or phenolic compounds (aid absorption from gastro-intestinal tract and have antimicrobial and pain killing effects), lignin (increases the blood circulation), saponins (provide cleansing and antiseptic activity), sterols (antiseptic and analgesic), amino acids (basic building blocks of proteins in the production of muscle tissue), and salicylic acid (works as a pain killer).†Olupona et al. (2010) reported that Aloe Vera gel added to water (15, 20, 25 and 30 cm3/dm3) resulted in significant final body weight gain as well as in weekly body weight gain compared to control group. Several studies have shown antimicrobial properties of herb extracts (Cowan, 1999; Hammer et al., 1999) which can improve intestinal microflora population and enhance health in birds’ digestive systems through reduction in number of disease-making bacteria (Mitsch et al., 2004). Intestinal health is of great importance in poultry for improved performance and reduced feed conversion ratio (Montagne et al., 2003). Previous studies discovered different properties of Aloe Vera gel, including wound healing, anti-parasitic, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties (Boudreau and Beland, 2006; Reynolds and Dweck, 1999). CHAPTER III Methodology A total of twenty-one (21) day old straight run broiler chicks were used in the study and were distributed to a cage with a dimension of (57 x 33). The cage was further subdivided into two (2) cages for the different treatments with two (2) birds per cage. 3 days prior to the arrival of the chicks the cages were prepared thoroughly and provided with electric bulb as heaters up to 3 weeks 21 days of age and until their feathers were fully developed. Fresh leaves of Aloe Vera were then extracted, 5ml per liter of water. Feeding troughs containing chick pellets and waterers were provided for each cage. The set up was composed of experimental and control group. The experimental group was being provided with water containing the Aloe Vera gel. On the other hand, the control group was being provided with only pure water. The observations in weight, growth, feathers and immune system was made weekly by the researchers. A digital weighing scale was used to measure the weight while a tape measure was used to determine the growth. The chicks were observed as starters (4-10 days), growers (10-15 days), and finishers (15-21) days. However, the final observations were made at the total experiment period. CHAPTER IV Results and Discussion Table 1 presents the results on the experiments on body weight gain. As seen in the table, the larger body weight gain was observed in the Aloe Vera group in the starter, grower and finisher, as well as the total experiment period. In the starter period, significant increase in body weight gain was observed in the both the Aloe Vera and control groups. However, in the grower and finisher periods, the larger body weight gain was observed in the Aloe Vera group compared to the control group. Finally, the results on body weight gain in the total period (day 21) showed a significant difference among the Aloe Vera and control group. In addition, the Aloe Vera gel groups experienced enhanced body weight gain compared to the control group. The results of the experiments on growth are shown in Table 2. Here, the Aloe Vera group showed higher level of growth in broilers. During the starter period both groups had the same measure of height in centimeters. Significant differences were observed in the grower and finisher periods that Aloe Vera indeed has an effect in the growth of broilers. Table 3 shows the results of treatments on feathers in broilers. As shown in the table, there was a significant difference observed between the two groups. In the starter and grower periods, both groups had the same quality and color of feathers. It was observed however; in the finisher periods the control group had pale-looking feathers while the Aloe Vera group had a golden yellow color. The differences on immune system are presented in Table 4. During the starter period, there was no significant difference between the two groups. However, the stronger immune system was observed in the Aloe Vera group in the grower and finisher periods compared to the control group, which showed minor cases of skin lesions in the body. Table 1 (Weight) Starter Grower Finisher Total Experiment Period Aloe group 100 g 148.3 g 175 g 200 g Control group 100 g 145 g 170.5 g 160 g Table 2 (Growth) Starter Grower Finisher Total Experiment Period Aloe group 8 cm 12 cm 15 cm 18 cm Control group 8 cm 10.5 cm 13 cm 16 cm Table 3 (feathers) Starter Grower Finisher Total Experiment Period Aloe group Yellowish, Dry and fluffy Feathers are clean and yellowish, covers the entire body Yellowish, fluffy feathers Golden-yellow, healthy feathers Control group Yellowish, Dry and fluffy Signs of bald patches Visible bald patches Pale yellow, with bald patches Table 4 (Immune System) Starter Grower Finisher Total Experiment Period Aloe group Healthy No diseases Little skin lesions Healthy Control group Healthy Skin lesions begin to appear Skin lesions have spread Lack of nourishment CHAPTER V Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation Summary The study is entitled â€Å"Aloe Vera as Chick Growth Enhancer†. It focused on making a low priced but high quality growth enhancer in broiler chicks. It was conducted for the main purpose of evaluating and comparing the quality of Aloe Vera as a growth enhancer in terms of body weight gain, growth, feathers, and immune system. A total of twenty-one (21) day old straight run broiler chicks were used in the study and were distributed to a cage with a dimension of (57 x 33). The cage was further subdivided into two (2) cages for the different treatments with two (2) birds per cage. 3 days prior to the arrival of the chicks the cages were prepared thoroughly and provided with electric bulb as heaters up to 3 weeks 21 days of age and until their feathers were fully developed. Fresh leaves of Aloe Vera were then extracted, 5ml per liter of water. Feeding troughs containing chick pellets and waterers were provided for each cage. The set up was composed of experimental and control group. The experimental group was being provided with water containing the Aloe Vera gel. On the other hand, the control group was being provided with only pure water. The observations in weight, growth, feathers and immune system was made weekly by the researchers. . A digital weighing scale was used to measure the weight while a tape measure was used to determine the growth. The chicks were observed as starters (4-10 days), growers (10-15 days), and finishers (15-21) days. The results obtained regarding performance of the broilers showed that Aloe Vera gel groups brought about higher body weight gain, growth, quality of feathers and immune system compared to the control group. The differences were then illustrated in a table. From the investigation, the researchers would like to recommend this study to the people of the poultry business who would pursue the Aloe Vera as Chick Growth Enhancer to improve the performance of broiler chicks. Also, further research should be made especially on the right amounts of Aloe Vera in water to achieve a better mixture and produce a better product. Conclusion Finally, it can be concluded that the group treated by Aloe Vera gel showed better performance compared to the control group. Furthermore, among the two groups, the Aloe Vera group experienced higher level of body weight gain, growth, quality of feathers, and immune system. Recommendation From the investigation, the researchers would like to recommend this study to the people of the poultry business who would pursue the Aloe Vera as Chick Growth Enhancer to improve the performance of broiler chicks. Also, further research should be made especially on the right amounts of Aloe Vera in water to achieve a better mixture and produce a better product. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bejar, Feliciano R.; Colapo, Remedies P. (2005) Growth Performance and Sensory Evaluation of Broilers Supplemented with Aloe Vera ( Aloe barbadensis miller) Extract in Drinking Water. Boudreau, M.D., Beland, F. A., 2006. An evaluation of the biological and toxicological properties of Aloe barbadensis (miller), Aloe vera. J. Environ. Sci. Heal. C 24:103-154. Cowan, M.M., 1999. Plant products as antimicrobial agents. Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 12: 564-582. Darabighane, Babak (2011) Effects of different levels of Aloe vera gel as an alternative to antibiotic on performance and ileum morphology in broilers. Italian Journal of Animal Science. Licensee PAGEPress, Italy Vol 10, No 3 [eISSN 1828-051X] Dela Cruz, Rita T. (2006) Extracts from Aloe: Not Only a natural Healer also a Poultry Growth Enhancer. BAR Digest. Vol. 8 No. 2. Hammer, K.A., Carson, C.F., Riley, T.V., 1999. Antimicrobial activity of essential oils and other plants extracts. J. Appl. Microbiol. 86:985-990. Ehrlich, Steven D. (201 3) Aloe Medical Reference Guide. 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Saturday, September 14, 2019
A Helicopter Parent
A helicopter parent may have good intentions, but his or her interference could make their child's life much more difficult in the long run. Today, there is an increase in the number of helicopter parents. The term â€Å"helicopter parent†defines the behavior of parents who seem just a tad too involved in their child's day-to-day life. We all understand that parents would do everything to keep their children out of harm's way, but sometimes, this desire can become an unhealthy obsession that can actually hurt their kids. At times I question myself, will the next generation of young people be able to actually think for themselves? Children of helicopter parents can become too dependent of their paternities. It is a very common factor in the Palauan society for parents to help their children with their bills, giving them money, babysitting, and even to the degree of buring their groceries and cleaning their homes. It is a very touchy subject to some as they feel pity for their children and want the best for them but at times it seems to get out hand. Those who constantly protect their children from any disappointment only decreases the child's chance of self-empowerment and growth as they mature. With helicopter parents, time may be more consumed with exaggerated observance and calming themselves down rather than helping their children to be self-reliant and independent. Allowing your children to fail and having them test their limits is the least a parent can do for their kids. In this way, a child can be more resourceful, productive, and become an independent learner, or acquires knowledge through his or her own efforts. Lack of confidence is also an effect of helicopter parenting. Parents who are overly involved and overly hovering around a child is a sign that the parents themselves are very anxious. Children can sense and pick up their parent's anxiety and become anxious themselves. When this happens, a child usually becomes instantly sad, isolated, or depressed. Either way, it brings a child to an unhappy place. Anxiety among your adults has significantly grown in recent years, some have turned depressed or even sick. Though this happens at home when the child lives with his or her parents, it occurs after they leave home as well. When parents guide their children in everything they do, they do not have the chance to show what they are capable of. As they mature, it will only make it difficult for them to make their own decisions as they are used to having someone around telling them what to do. They are also very much terrified of taking risks especially if it is something that is not common to them. Something as simple as, â€Å"You can do this†or â€Å"I'm so proud of you†can encourage a child and help them build their confidence. Believing in someone is simply letting them do what they know instead of being by their side the whole time telling them what to do and what not to do.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Case Study - planning & strategy in small business Essay
Case Study - planning & strategy in small business - Essay Example 56). His management of finances proved to be good. As the owner of the firm, James has proved skillful in managing its finances and thus ensuring that success is attained. The overall overheads in the company have been minimal by the reduced cases of unnecessary taking of risks and by assigning all work in the firm on a sub-contract basis. The reduction of bad debts is another measure of his finance control. His checking of the profit margins involving all the contracts the company awards, the minimal cases of business bad debts and the leasing of land for business expansion has boosted his finance managerial skills. He is experienced and understands the market demand for the business. His vast knowledge on the relationship between employee productivity and their comfort prompted his venturing into this type of business. His business idea was spurred by his experience in the building and construction field and the knowledge on the existing market competition (Thomas 2006, p. 190). The ch ampioning of new ideas and development of existing ones has ensured growth. He is inexperienced at controlling and managing human resources. The result of his taking of human resource management position, which requires a competent person, has led to his arrogant nature in relation to employee-employer relationship. He cannot delegate duties as a result of his mistrust of employees. The effect is reduction in employee performance as a result of lack of team spirit and motivation which develops into low productivity. This is the case in Comfort Homes where James, despite his lack of experience in human resource management takes the position and controls everything without considering his employees in any decision making. He, however, gets things done but the employees do not feel as part of the company. This has led to poor communication system at the firm and lack of new ideas to steer the business towards growth. For instance, the failure to involve Kevin
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Case Study based assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Case Study based assessment - Essay Example The combined impact of recession and intensified competition as a result of European de-regulation led to important shifts in business strategy with contrasting implications for its staff, an approach that has, with some modifications, continued until the present day. BA has realized that the competition in the airline industry is growing as the globalization and privatization policies have opened the limits of sky widely and international air carriers started to intrude into the territories of BA. As a result of that, BA decided to adopt the merger policies to strengthen their business prospects. In November 2009, BA reached an agreement with Iberia and both the companies decided to merge together to form a single company. The merger between BA and Iberia resulted in the creation of world’s third-largest airline in terms of annual revenue. The merger was confirmed in April 2010 and it is expected that it will take effect from the end of this year. â€Å"Iberia Airlines appoi nts its chairman, Antonio Vazquez Romero as the new chairman of International Airlines Group (IAG), the new company formed under the merger agreement between Iberia and British Airways (Goldstone, 2010) ‘Employee relations’ in BA is a much debated topic in UK now. Many people believe that BA could have improved their relations with the employees and sustain its identity as a national icon, even amidst stiff competition. Many contextual factors affected the employee relations in BA. Moreover, the employee relations in BA have made lot of impacts in the UK employment sector also. This paper critically analyses the above aspect with the help of the case study provided about British Airways. If employee relations is understood as an arena in which the contest between the pursuit of a market society and the defence of the principles of moral economy is played out, then it is impossible to separate market from nonmarket relations, economy
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
A Shift in the Balance of Power from the USA to China Essay
A Shift in the Balance of Power from the USA to China - Essay Example This paper illustrates that while China balances precariously between the free market and an edgy military regime, the nation is surfacing as a formidable contender in the economic sector and an impending challenger for technological advantage. From the benchmark of Tiananmen Square in 1989 well into the first tender years of the Twenty-first Century, many in the West continue to view China with unease and distrust. From the appalling crackdown on the visionary expectation of the ardent student protesters some16 years ago to the subsequent repression of all political dissidence, Communist leaders have time and again tended to reassert a blind obeisance to a dogged system of harsh and mechanical one-party rule. Equally alarming is the ostentatious display of military power in response to Taiwanese aspirations for independence over the last two decades, along with the troubling detection of furtive deliveries of military know-how to unstable areas in the Middle East, the Persian Gulf, and South Asia. These measures scarcely serve to improve international confidence in the Chinese bid for a responsible position on the world stage of the new century. Admittedly China has recently begun to evince a new, less menacing and forward-looking stance toward proving itself as a responsible collaborator in global interaction as the nation begins to assume a substantial position in the world economy. By assisting in negotiations on the Korean Peninsula, China, in effect, was able to take advantage of her influence in the region in the service of broader international concerns. Domestically, the Peoples Republic of China has taken steps to free a token number of leading political dissidents in response to Western appeals, and, in diverse rural villages, elections for local leaders have been authorized. Chinese rulers also seem to be dealing moderately with the lately re-annexed regions of Hong Kong and Macau, and so far seem to be restricting intimidation tactics to verbal pos turing and a display of military muscle in response to Taiwanese desires for independence.Â
Group Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Group Decision Making - Essay Example This report stresses that GDM is also at times called as collaborative decision making. In this approach the individuals collectively makes decision or a choice from the set of alternatives. The decision is taken as a group and it is not attributable to any single member of the group. The GDM is very much different as compared to that taken by the individuals and it comprises of the decision to the extreme. This paper makes a conclusion that the owner of the car parts manufacturing company has planned on implementing a group for the decision making process. Groups often provide the best possible solution for any issue as compared to that taken by individuals. A group comprises of people that have different expertise and knowledge and this makes it beneficial for the company as the sharing of knowledge facilitates an effective decision making. It is recommended that the company should involve into the group those individuals who has an experience in the company for a long time and knows about the entire business operations. The group would include the managers of the different operational fields of the business. The group is recommended to follow the reflective thinking process in order to optimise on the decision making. This collaborative approach would maximise the revenues of the company and even would create a satisfactory working environment for the company.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Setting a Home Network Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Setting a Home Network - Term Paper Example Besides the easy handling of the XP ICS, by the XP computer as the ICS host the other benefit is using the internet connection Firewall. 3. Choice of a network technology The commonly available choices are the Ethernet and wireless LANs. When using an Ethernet LAN its essential to have the network interface card, or the NIC that ought to be fitted in each computer and then run the cabling between the computers. Just in case you don’t find the idea of opening the computer to fit/or to install the network card good for you, then get yourself a USB adaptor to assist you. Considering the size of the network, you may also find it necessary to have a network hub or router to provide interconnection between the PCs on the LAN. Two PCs can get by using an RJ-45 crossover cable; three or more computers require a hub or a multi – speed hub (also called a switch). For high – speed internet connection, a high – speed router is a good option. If you decide to have a wi reless LAN as your choice, you may also need an NIC for each and every PC (although there are versions that use USB adaptors as well) the major advantage of home environments is that a wireless LAN eliminates the need for cabling. Although on the contrary wireless LANs tend to be slower, less robust and most likely more expensive than the traditional Ethernet LANs. Wireless LANs particularly do not live up to their stated working range and you may encounter factors such as your construction and design in your home, in addition to interference from other devices which affect the performance of your wireless LAN. You may also need to add an expensive Access point to be able to extend the range of the LAN and more so it may not be sufficient. What is essential here is that if you make a choice of going wireless route, then ensure that the store will refund your money if the LAN will proof not to be reliable in performance within the range specified. 4. Make a list of hardware needed Co me up with a list that outlines the hardware you need for each computer, without forgetting any cabling, and purchase them. If you find it a little dazzling to make an appropriate choice and the configurations, then consider purchasing a networking kit. This kind of kits contain all that is needed to set up a two or three Pc network. If it’s possible, then look up for hardware that contains the Windows XP logo that indicates its fully compatible with XP. 5. Install the adaptors. Make an installation of the network adaptors and also install your modem on the ICS host computer(you may also let the computers connect to the internet independently by installing modems on each one of them) 6. Cable the computers Physically cable the computers and hubs or routers together, as usual you may not need to undertake this if you have decided to use the wireless option. When installing an Ethernet network and you have a lot of cabling work to be done then its preferable that you get a prof essional to come in and do this kind of work for you. It may not be cheap but to ensure that the work is perfectly done with minimal damage done to the walls, ceilings and the floors. 7. Switch it on Power all computers, printers and other peripherals. 8. Connect the ICS host Get to the ICS host computer and ensure it’s connected to the internet. 9. Run the network setup Wizard on
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