Thursday, January 30, 2020
The strength of an electromagnet Essay Example for Free
The strength of an electromagnet Essay Mass of iron filings attracted in grams (g) dciana, please do not redistribute this coursework. We work very hard to create this website, and we trust our visitors to respect it for the good of other students. Please, do not circulate this coursework elsewhere on the internet. Anybody found doing so will be permanently banned. 0. 0185 This work from www. studentcentral. co. uk 0. 0190 HV6 from HV6 coursewrok HV6 work HV6 info HV6 0. 0185cofa far sefafaw orfa fak infa fofa fa! Mass of iron filings attracted in grams (g)codc dcr sedcdcw ordc dck indc fodc dc. 0.0185 Weber refuted dcianas rationalisation hypothesis. 0. 0175coeb ebr seebebw oreb ebk ineb foeb eb. 0. 0180coca car secacaw orca cak inca foca ca. Mass of iron filings attracted in grams (g)coaa aar seaaaaw oraa aak inaa foaa aa. 0. 0185coac acr seacacw orac ack inac foac ac; 0. 0190 This dissertation from www. studentcentral. co. uk 0. 0180cobg bgr sebgbgw orbg bgk inbg fobg bg. Average Mass of Iron filings in grams (g) dciana, please do not redistribute this paper. We work very hard to create this website, and we trust our visitors to respect it for the good of other students. Please, do not circulate this paper elsewhere on the internet. Anybody found doing so will be permanently banned. 0. 0187 dciana, please do not redistribute this dissertation. We work very hard to create this website, and we trust our visitors to respect it for the good of other students. Please, do not circulate this dissertation elsewhere on the internet. Anybody found doing so will be permanently banned. 0. 0187 This dissertation from www. studentcentral. co. uk 0. 0185 xRbb Visit coursework ef in ef fo ef for ef more project ef Do ef not ef redistribute xRbb Average Current in Amps (A) nX6ehKf5 Visit coursework cc in cc fo cc for cc more paper cc Do cc not cc redistribute nX6ehKf5 2+coce cer sececew orce cek ince foce ce; 2+ FUZlDg from FUZlDg coursewrok FUZlDg work FUZlDg info FUZlDg 2+coed edr seededw ored edk ined foed ed; Average Voltage in Volts (V) NTBfPtDXg from NTBfPtDXg coursewrok NTBfPtDXg work NTBfPtDXg info NTBfPtDXg 3cogd gdr segdgdw orgd gdk ingd fogd gd; 3coca car secacaw orca cak inca foca ca. 3 P5zpmk from P5zpmk coursewrok P5zpmk work P5zpmk info P5zpmk Graphs: This hypothesis from www. studentcentral. co. uk Fig 1. 5 Fig 1. 6 DKREDG7nc Visit coursework db in db fo db for db more cours db Do db not db redistribute DKREDG7nc Conclusion: hFxX4CVX Visit coursework fa in fa fo fa for fa more work fa Do fa not fa redistribute hFxX4CVX From the results obtained in this experiment, it becomes very clear that changing the positioning of the solenoid on the iron core has no effect on the electromagnets strength. This is because from Fig 1. 4, 1. 5 and 1. 6 the results show that there is hardly any significant change in the results. However when the solenoid is placed on the right hand side of iron core there is a slight change of 0. 0002 grams of iron filing collected in comparison to the other two positions (middle and left hand side) but this change is quite insignificant. The voltage also remained the same throughout all the nine experiments (as expected) and was measured with a voltmeter since the power supply was set to 3 volts at all times and therefore was anyway a constant (the voltage was measured with a voltmeter eventhough it wasnt really needed because the power supply was set to 3V). From the results that were obtained for current a conclusion could not be drawn and there for it is difficult to say anything about current in this specific experiment. There was one set of results (Fig 1. 4, Right hand side position) that was slightly anomalic (0. 0002g) in comparison to the other results but this will be later on analysed in the evaluation. Weber suppressed dcianas functionalism . I can conclude by saying that my hypothesis was correct since the results (except for current in Amps) received were as I thought they would be. dciana, please do not redistribute this project. We work very hard to create this website, and we trust our visitors to respect it for the good of other students. Please, do not circulate this project elsewhere on the internet. Anybody found doing so will be permanently banned. Evaluation:coee eer seeeeew oree eek inee foee ee. As in most of the experiments there are always a few improvements that can be made to get even better and more reliable results than the ones obtained from the previous one. The first factor in this experiment that could be improved is that of the ammeter readings, since the ammeter that was used was first of all not digital and only went up to 2 amps (however for this experiment we were looking at a greater current than just 2 amps). So either a potentiometer /variable resistor (to decrease the current) or a digital ammeter could be used, which would display higher currents than just 2 amps. The second factor in this experiment that could be improved would be that of the coiling of the wire around the metal coil because the wires were supposed to be tightly wrapped around the coil so there would be a 1 mm space between the wires (the solenoid was made up of 25 loops of insulated wire). Not following this factor was the reason for slight anomalic results (see Fig 1. 5) between the positions middle and right plus left and right because for the two sides (middle and left) one partner looped the wires around the metal core and for the other side (right) the second partner looped the wires around (obviously differently than the first partner) the metal core. The third factor that could be improved in this experiment would be that of the tape (to keep the solenoid in place), since this could have been measured (e. g. 4cm per experiment) because in this experiment the tape was not measured and therefore became an uncontrolled variable. It is very difficult to say whether the last positions (right) results were anomalic because of the third factor or simply because the balance might have been reset incorrectly since the difference between the right hand side position and the other two positions (middle and left) was just 0. 0002 grams. If this experiment was to be done again then it would a good idea to have a closer look at the three factors mentioned above.cogc gcr segcgcw orgc gck ingc fogc gc; Altogether this was a successful experiment because not only was the aim met but also the hypothesis was proved to be correct and most of the results were also reliable except for perhaps that one set mentioned above. coce cer sececew orce cek ince foce ce; Bibliography: fo ea fGCSE Double Science Physics Book The Revision Guideor ea more dissertation ea Do ea not ea redistribute mqR8F15 I would like to acknowledge this book in helping me with scientific evidentiary support.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
C.S. Lewis: Mere Christianity Essay -- Lewis Mere Christianity Essays
C.S. Lewis: Mere Christianity C.S. Lewis covers many topics in his fourth book contained in Mere Christianity titled BEYOND PERSONALITY: OR FIRST STEPS IN THE DOCTRINE OF THE TRINITY. He addresses such topics as theology, what it means to be the Son of God, the three personal God, the relationship of God and time, the cost of being a Christian, how God works to turn us into image of Christ, why Christian growth is both hard and easy, and also what he thinks about our old personalities before becoming Christians. These are all relative topics that apply to us and our daily lives. Learning and understanding this book can help a Christian tremendously in forming a deeper relationship with God. Chapter One is a discussion about life and how it relates to God. Theology is the science of God. Lewis compares theology to a map. A map is formed from accumulated experience, not just one view. Christian doctrines are based on the accumulated experience of hundreds of people who were in touch with God. He then discusses what it means that God has brought us into existence and loves us and in that way is like a father. Lewis then goes on to describe the difference between begetting and creation. Begetting is to be the father of and to create is to make. According to Lewis, â€Å"What God begets is God; just as what man begets is man. What God creates is not God; just as what man creates is not man.†In Chapter Two C.S. Lewis makes the point that Christians are the only ones to believe that God is something that is super-personal. Others believe in God, but not in a personal God. They think there is a mysterious something behind all things. They make this â€Å"something†impersonal or less than personal. Lewis points out that some people believe that when you die the soul is absorbed by God. They explain this using the analogy that the soul is like a drop of water dropped into the ocean. But this really means that by being absorbed you do not exist. Christians believe that they are taken into God and still remain unique. They become, in fact, more that they were before. Lewis compares the relationship with God to the three dimensions of space. The dimensions involve complexity and understanding. He explains the relationship with God this way; â€Å"as a being who is three persons while remaining one Being.†Christians believe in God, they also want to be close to God and they k... will give you a real personality. I consider this book the best of the four. It provided a lot of practical information and explanation of Christian beliefs. It addressed some difficult and complex issues that each Christian must face. It is definitely a book that makes you think. The chapter on the concept of time and God really meant a lot to me. The fact that God is always in the present and can hear our prayers individually and attend to them individually is comforting. The example of God being the page that a time line is drawn on and is in the past, present and future at the same time is a good illustration. That helped me understand the concept better. This book provides a lot of good information that has helped better understand God and our relationship with Him. This information will give me more confidence and will enable me to better defend my faith and to share that faith with others. This is a book that I recommend that all Christians read. It is a book that will really make you think. For me it was kind of tough to read and understand at times, but it is worth the effort and time. This book will arm the believer with answers to complex and difficult issues.
Monday, January 13, 2020
My Beautiful Mind Essay
Living with Schizophrenia â€Å"The mind is indeed a beautiful thing. It is the reason for our ingenuity, artistic originality and maybe even our humanity. What happens however when the mind works against us? When it tricks us into believing that what is not real to be the actual, destroying our sense of being? †(Angelo) We see this played out firsthand in the life of John Forbes Nash Jr. in â€Å"A Beautiful Mind. †The film was directed by Ron Howard and starred Russell Crowe, who plays John Nash, Paul Bettany, who plays Nash’s imaginary friend Charles, and Jennifer Connelly, who plays Nash’s wife Alicia. The movie â€Å"won four Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Supporting Actress. It was also nominated for Best Leading Actor, Best Editing, Best Makeup, and Best Scoreâ€Å" (A Beautiful Mind). â€Å"A Beautiful Mind†â€Å"presents itself as a biography of the flesh-and-blood John Nash. And in fact, it is really only a flashy, sentimental Hollywood movie, inspired by a few particular details of the John Nash story. (Overstreet) This review is accurate in this description, director Ron Howard delivers a brilliant master peace but it is not all fact. For instance, John Nash never had visual hallucinations and he divorced his wife and later remarried. Though it is not an accurate representation, John Forbes Nash, Jr. did suffer from schizophrenia. John Forbes Nash, Jr. , or John Nash as he is referred to in the movie, was born June 13, 1928 in Bluefield, West Virginia where he was raised. Nash took classes from Bluefield C ollege while still attending Bluefield High School. After graduating from high school in 1945, he enrolled at the Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie Mellon University) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on a Westinghouse scholarship, where he studied chemical engineering and chemistry before switching to mathematics. He received both his bachelor's degree and his master's degree in 1948 while at Carnegie Tech. †(John Forbes Nash, Jr. ). The film begins as Nash is attending Princeton University for his postgraduate work in mathematics and writes his thesis on non-cooperative games which he later receives the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. In the movie Nash gets a job at Massachusetts Institution of Technology after graduating from Princeton. It is at MIT where Nash meets his future wife, Alicia, and falls in love with her and she remains his faithful mate even through his maddening episodes of schizophrenia. The film differs from reality in many instances, his love life being one of them. In reality Nash had a trivial relationship with a nurse by the name of Eleanor Stier, they had a son together and named him John David Stier. After the child was born Nash abandoned both of them and went through a homosexual stage, in the mid-1950s he was â€Å"arrested in a Santa Monica restroom on a morals charge related to a homosexual encounter†(John Forbes Nash, Jr. ). This was said to have caused him to lose his job at MIT and caused him to want to get married. Only now is Alicia brought into the picture, a student of his at MIT from El Salvador. John Forbes Nash, Jr. and Alicia Lopez-Harrison de Larde get married in 1957 and two years later Alicia admits John Nash to the mental hospital. In the movie he is tackled by two men and a third, Dr. Rosen, administers a sedative and they haul Nash away in their car, all while students and teachers are watching. Schizophrenia is described as being a â€Å"mental disorder characterized by abnormalities in the perception or expression of reality. †(Schizophrenia) Normally it occurs in young adulthood and manifests itself in auditory hallucinations paranoid or bizarre delusions, or disorganized speech and thinking, while visual hallucinations are possible they are extremely rare and John Nash Jr. said that he only had auditory hallucinations. The visual manifestations in the movie were only to intrigue the audience and to clarify the sincerity and the reality of the disease. Schizophrenia is a very rare disease, affecting half of one percent of the population of the world and scientists and doctors know little more about it presently than when John Nash was diagnosed. While knowledge of schizophrenia is scarce people have found some useful treatments such as Insulin Shock Therapy and certain medications such as Typical Antipsychotic and the newer Atypical Antipsychotic, we see John Nash undergo the Insulin Shock Therapy in the late 1950s and the early 1960s. Insulin Shock Therapy however has been replaced by newer and more effective medications. The Typical Antipsychotics are the pink pills that Nash takes after his hospitalization. He says these medications make it hard for him to focus and he cannot respond to his wife so he stops taking them. This only causes further pain when Nash’s hallucinations all come back. Nash eventually learns how to cope with these hallucinations and just ignores them. In conclusion, the movie â€Å"A Beautiful Mind†is a very inspirational film that fills the audience with we and intrigue as they watch Nash learn to live with schizophrenia and attempt to remain a viable part of society. John Forbes Nash Jr. has influenced economics, mathematics, and physics, he taught at two major universities, he got married, he won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, and he showed millions that it is possible to do all these things while living with schizophrenia. Works Cited Angelo. â€Å"Beauti ful Mind, A (2001)†MovieFreak. com – The Film Palace. 13 January 2010. Web. 04 March 2010. Overstreet, Jeffrey. A Beautiful Mind (2001)†Rotten Tomatoes. Flixter, Inc. 12 May 2004. Web. 04 March 2010. http://www. rottentomatoes. com/m/beautiful_mind/ â€Å"A Beautiful Mind (Film)†Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 04 March 2010. Web. 04 March 2010. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/A_Beautiful_Mind_(film) â€Å"John Forbes Nash, Jr. †Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 04 March 2010. Web. 04 March 2010. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/John_Forbes_Nash,_Jr â€Å"Schizophrenia†Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. 01 March 2010. Web. 04 March 2010. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Schizophrenia
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Ethical Analysis of Baby Theresa Essay example - 1108 Words
Ethical Analysis of Baby Theresa Baby Theresa is a very unique case. Theresa Ann Campo Pearson was an infant born in Florida 1992, with Anencephaly, which is where the two most important parts of the brain are missing, the cerebrum and cerebellum, as well as the top of the skull. Without these parts of the brain she would never have had higher brain functions or consciousness. However, there is still a brain stem connected so all the autonomic functions are still working, such as having a heart beat and breathing. Anencephaly is known as one of the worst congenital disorders, thus these cases are usually detected during pregnancy and aborted. If not aborted, half are stillborn or if born alive, they usually die within a few days. In†¦show more content†¦Thus, from a Kantian standpoint, it is wrong to kill Theresa and take her organs to save others because then they would be using her merely as a means to other infants’ ends. However, to play devils advocate, â€Å"using a person†typically means you are violating their autonomy- their right to live and decide for themselves according to their own desires and values. With that being said, Baby Theresa was not autonomous because she had no consciousness, she had no ability to ever decide what was in her best interest and desire. So, technically, the Judge of the circuit court was not respecting the parents’ dignity of wanting to donate Theresas organs. For that reason, D.W Ross’s theory should have been taken into consideration. Indeed, I understand why the judge decided to make the ruling she did because if she did allow the physicians to take Theresa’s life before natural death took its course, it would have possibly undermined all physicians as untrustworthy, which could have ruined the patient-physician relationship. However, even though her ruling was very understandable, an important and very valuable theory should not have been over looked with a case as exceptional as this one, the Prima Fa cie Duty. W.D Ross explains when to consider this theory on page 23 that, â€Å" to provide a defensible account of â€Å"cases of conscience,†thatShow MoreRelatedBaby Theresa1003 Words  | 5 PagesBaby Theresa The case of Baby Theresa became a worldwide controversy that made several minds scramble on making the right decision. Baby Theresa was an anencephalic infant with no chance of survival. Her parents volunteered her organs for transplant to save other children, yet by the time she died, her organs were too deteriorated to be transplanted. Several question arose when this scenario came into questions for the Florida Law officials. South Florida ruled that Theresas vital organs couldRead MoreA Report on Anti-Abortion1466 Words  | 6 Pagessacred. 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