Wednesday, September 2, 2020
How To Deal With A Person Who Essay -- essays research papers
How to manage an individual who is irate? We are instructed to control our passionate sentiments when we are youthful. We figure out how to be obliging, patient, and shroud our resentment to individuals in regular daily existence. The majority of us express our sentiments by implication: hammering entryways, gloomy quietness, or censuring others. Subsequently, it is imperative to figure out how to discharge outrage in safe yet compelling manners. Unexpressed outrage can seethe, causing pressure and influencing physical wellbeing. All things considered, outrage can grow into brutality. Along these lines, when we are managing an individual who is furious, here are a few techniques we can utilize: get his/her indignation, speak with him/her, and help him/her to communicate the outrage. As a matter of first importance, when we are managing somebody who is irate, attempt to comprehend what his/her outrage is. In the event that we are chatting with a furious individual, the primary thing we need to do to control ourselves isn't to be engaged with his/her compelling feelings. Along these lines, quiet down, and inquire as to why he/she is distraught and tune in to what he/she needs to state to us. Understanding the components and the foundation that drive this individual crazy makes it simpler for us to speak with him/her. Try not to attempt to ask somebody who is as of now furious to quiet down; it is equivalent to asking somebody who is wailing not to cry. Besides, attempt to speak with him/her. It is conceivable to manage outrage by chatting with somebody. In this way, when we are attempting to enable an irate individual, to attempt to converse with positive habits. For instance, abstain from accusing, or blaming him by putting him on the ...
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Why Did He Do It? :: essays research papers fc
What might you do, or how might you feel, if a man of center eastern plummet came up to you disclosing to you that he had been a casualty of a despise wrongdoing where he was assaulted from behind, beaten and pelted with eggs while his attackers articulated racial appellations, yet later was told that it was every one of the an untruth, a trick? Indeed, there was an individual that needed to manage this predicament. Arizona State University junior Ahmad Sadd Nasim played out this abhorrent demonstration, and now the Maricopa Attorney's Office, and the ASU disciplinary division, must choose whether or not to squeeze charges on this demonstration of pusillanimity. It is accepted by numerous that Nasim should deal with indictments so as to permit genuine survivors of detest violations to approach without disgrace, forestall an ascent in detest wrongdoings, and furthermore forestall further demonstrations of this nature. In request to permit the casualties of genuine loathe violations to recognize themselves unafraid of not being heard, or accepted, Ahmad Saad Nasim ought to be arraigned. On the off chance that he isn't indicted, the survivors of future despise violations may not decide to approach. Moreover, these casualties would discover it simply a misuse of their time on the off chance that they attempted to report the culprits. Senior Vikesh Desai said," the untruth harms casualties of veritable abhor crimes." He proceeds, "It resembles the kid who falsely sounded the alarm. Presently if someone else is assaulted in a detest wrongdoing, more individuals are going to address it. Individuals will be hesitant to make some noise since they'll imagine that individuals will have a hard time believing them." (Chiu 1). In any case, if Nasim is indicted, and sentenced, this kind of circumstance would not be an issue. T husly, the quantity of loathe wrongdoings submitted will decrease. The possibility of an expansion in the quantity of abhor violations submitted depends mostly on whether the Maricopa County Attorney's Office chooses to squeeze charges on Nasim. The quantity of performed abhor violations could rise if Nasim isn't arraigned for his off-base doings. Individuals that are preferential against Middle-Eastern settlers, particularly considering past occasions (WTC & Pentagon assaults), may discover this as "open season" on carrying out loathe violations. Figuring that if the casualties went to specialists they would not be accepted in any case, they would be brave. "... individuals weren't taking contempt violations seriously..." said Desai (Chiu 2). Hence, the odds of them being gotten are probably nothing.
Private Browsing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Private Browsing - Essay Example This paper will examine the potential employments of the ‘privacy browsing’ highlight at home or the work environment (Foley, 2008). The employments of this element, regardless of whether at home or at work, incorporate examples whereby the surfer is utilizing their own data on another person’s PCs †or from a common PCs. This is especially significant in cases where the destinations to be perused are ordinarily surfed, including YouTube and Facebook as the protection highlight will assist them with browsing and not mess with the historical backdrop of different clients or those of the proprietor of the PC. Through the element, the surfer will get to the basic destinations, yet leave put away passwords and client names of the first client immaculate or unaltered. A model, is the place the surfer begins a private meeting; in this way, they don't require the other client to log out (Trapani, 2005). The component is valuable at home or work when investigating or testing various sites. This is especially obvious when the surfer needs to investigate or test territories that are treat related in a meeting. For instance, when utilizing treat based stages, the surfer can open two distinct meetings of a similar site †for example that for the client and manager †simultaneously so as to speed the procedure. The element is useful when the surfer needs to oversee diverse Google application accounts. One model is that of a web client who has distinctive application accounts, which they use for work and different zones of enthusiasm, for example volunteer callings. This case may incorporate that of a surfer who needs to check diverse â€Å"Google Docs†accounts, without connecting the records contained in the two records (Foley, 2008). In the cutting edge times of social sites and significant work and expert exercises on the web, the element causes the surfer to shroud the data zones that they got to so any guest won't have a clue about the data bases or the people’s profiles they inspected.
Friday, August 21, 2020
60 Easy Oxymoron Examples + Analysis
60 Easy Oxymoron Examples + Analysis SAT/ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips In spite of what it may seem like, no-a confusing expression isn’t something you can call your younger sibling when he’s irritating you.Rather, an ironic expression is a coolliterary gadget you can use in your experimental writing. We’ll go over precisely what a confusing expression isand then give you four paradoxical expression models from mainstream society and writing. We’ll likewise furnish you with a broad rundown of oxymoronsso you can show signs of improvement feel for what paradoxical expressions look and sound like. What Is an Oxymoron? A confusing expression is an interesting expression that joins two apparently conflicting or inverse plans to make a specific explanatory or lovely impact and uncover a more profound truth. By and large, the thoughts will come astwo separate words set one next to the other. The most well-known sort of confusing expression is a descriptor followed by a thing. One interesting expression model is stunning quietness, which portrays a quietness that is so overwhelming it nearly feels stunning, or amazingly noisy similarly as a genuine sound would. Interesting expressions are regularly utilized in ordinary discussion and ina expansiveness of composing, for example, writing, verse, and songwriting. You might’ve knew about another artistic gadget called the conundrum, which is comparative yet not indistinguishable from the ironic expression. While an interesting expression is the blend of two conflicting/inverse words in a solitary sentence, an oddity is a whole expression/sentence that seems opposing yet, upon further examination, could be valid or conceivable. One of the most renowned instances of a mystery is thesentence, This announcement is bogus. If this announcement is in reality bogus as it says, at that point this would really make it valid. However, in the event that the announcement is valid, at that point it can’t be bogus, regardless of the reality it professes to be! Presently, don't let your mind begin to hurt at this time up straightaway, we investigate paradoxical expression models in sentences from writing and mainstream society. 4 Oxymoron Examples + Analysis Presently that we’ve gone over what a paradoxical expression is, let’s investigate four popular interesting expression models in sentences to more readily see how this scholarly gadget really functions. Note: All strong accentuation in the accompanying citations is my own. Paradoxical expression Example 1 Goodbye, goodbye! Separating is such sweet sorrowThat I will say great night till it be morrow. - William Shakespeare,Romeo and Juliet This acclaimed citation from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet contains a similarly well known ironic expression. In this scene, Juliet expresses the expression sweet distress to portray the inclination she has when bidding farewell to Romeo. Althoughthe descriptive word sweet brings out a jubilant, sentimental feeling, distress callsto mind the significantly less glad, undeniably all the more discouraging part of having tobid goodbye to somebody you'd preferably not leave. Consequently, as the ironic expression recommends, this scene ishappy since Juliet and Romeo are enamored, yet it's additionally tragic in light of the fact that they should state goodbyeand can't remain together as the night progressed. Ironic expression Example 2 I have gone with a gesture of the headOr well mannered insignificant words,Or have waited for a spell and saidPolite pointless words,And thought before I had doneOf a deriding story or a gibeTo please a companionAround the fire at the club,Being sure that they and IBut lived where diverse is worn:All changed, changed utterly:A awful excellence is conceived. - William Butler Yeats, Easter 1916 This passage from Irish artist William Butler Yeats’ well known sonnet Easter 1916 has the conspicuous ironic expression horrible excellence, which is rehashed toward the finish of the sonnet. The primary subject of this sonnet is the 1916 Easter Rising in Dublin, an occasion during whichnumerous Irish patriots defied the British government in Ireland. The savage presentation eventually prompted a large number of passings and wounds. In spite of the awful things that occurred and the numerous lives lost, Yeats utilizes the expression magnificence to focus on the positive standards of freedom that made strides because of this event:thisdesire for self-government is the thing that prodded the Irish War of Independence only a couple of years after the fact. In this sense, theuprising was all the while horrible (in that it prompted passing) and wonderful (in its sentimental yearnings for autonomy). This next confusing expression model is about Queen Guinevere and Sir Lancelot's disastrous relationship. Confusing expression Example 3 Also, peradventure had he seen her firstShe may have made one or the other worldAnother world for the wiped out man; yet nowThe shackles of an old love perplexed him,His respect established in shame stood,And confidence unfaithful kept him erroneously evident. - Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Lancelot and Elaine inIdylls of the King This refrain, from Lord Tennyson’s retelling of the story of King Arthur, usesseveral interesting expressions for graceful impact and as an approach to underline the problem that Lancelot, Arthur’s most steadfast knight and companion, ends up in. Theoxymorons here point toLancelot's opposing presence as to his associations with both Guinevere and King Arthur: Lancelot isa devoted and fair sweetheart to Guinevere yet additionally an unfaithful and shameful knight to King Arthur, Guinevere’s spouse, whom he is basically selling out via doing a relationship with the sovereign. Confusing expression Example 4 'Cause all of meLoves all of youLove your bends and all your edgesAll your ideal imperfectionsGive your everything to meI'll give my everything to youYou're my end and my beginningEven when I lose I'm winning - John Legend, Every last bit of Me These lines originate from the hit 2013 tune Every last bit of Me recorded by John Legend. The verses of this ground-breaking piano ditty utilize a few ironic expressions. With the first oxymoron,perfect defects, the speaker is clarifying that his lover’s imperfections are eventually what make her the ideal accomplice for him.The other two ironic expressions underline the way that regardless of what happens-for example,no matter how tragic or vanquished the speaker may feel-there willalways be a silver coating in that he'swith the affection for his life. Rundown of 50+ Oxymorons You Can Use Beneath, we give you a broad rundown of ironic expressions. These 50+ confusing expression models are recorded in order and masterminded by class (i.e., the kind of interesting expression word blend). Don't hesitate to look throughthis tremendous rundown of confusing expression examplesif you’re needing an ironic expression for something you're composing or in the event that you just need tolearn the absolute most commonones. Single-Word Compound-Word Oxymorons Mixed Irresolute rival (companion + adversary) Love-detest Modifier + Noun Greater/bigger half Controlled confusion Crash landing Savage consideration Stunning quiet Unequivocal chance Purposeful slip-up Indeed, even chances Precise gauge Fine wreckage Absurd knowledge Cordial fire Cordial enemy Contemptuous love Substantial daintiness Legit hoodlum Living dead Boisterous murmur Adoring scorn Old news Loosely held bit of information Sorted out disorder Unique duplicate Quiet war Impeccable blemishes Arbitrary request Same contrast Quiet shout Sweet wretchedness Sweet distress Horrible excellence Genuine untruths Genuine fantasy Unprejudiced sentiment Prudent falsehood Alert rest Strolling dead Working occasion/excursion Modifier + Adjective/Adverb Alone together Outrageously great Unquestionably unsure Dishonestly obvious Horrendously delightful Flawlessly defective Truly amusing Oddly natural Oddly typical Frightfully great Really bogus Various Act normally Settle on a truce Execute with benevolence Make flurry gradually What’s Next? Need to study sayings, other than paradoxical expressions and oddities? At that point look at our top to bottom manual for the 31 scholarly gadgets you should know. Ironic expressions are a brilliant, provocative device to use recorded as a hard copy, however they're surely by all account not the only gadget you should work with. Get familiar with about compelling imageryandwhat embodiment is with our master guides. Planning totake the AP Literature test?Thenyou'll need to knowwhat to expect on test day, including what sorts of inquiries you'll be posed and how much time you'll have.
Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2
Contextual investigation - Essay Example It shows the utilization of innovation in authoritative correspondence. Correspondence is a significant instrument in any set up. It is considerably increasingly significant in the business world. For a business association to be fruitful, the administrator needs to utilize viable correspondence procedures. This is according to each individual in the association. The business condition requires a significant level of viability in the correspondence. 1 At the point when correspondence is properly utilized in an association it can propel the workers. Anyway when it is wrongly utilized it will consistently unsettle the laborers. This is the inner correspondence. Associations additionally need to impart to the general population. This is alluded to outside correspondence. Through this it can make a positive or a negative open picture. At the point when this contextual investigation is assessed, there was some compelling correspondence to people in general. This is demonstrated when the plant was available to the media. Investigation shows that the quality confirmation director was additionally accessible to the press. What Madeira did for this situation was exceptionally powerful. The open undertakings division that was delegated was compelling. This is on the grounds that in this division there were pros who reacted to the media requests. They gave customary updates of realities and improvements that were going on. There was compelling correspondence through video news discharges since they instructed the general population. The utilization of audiotapes and public statements was exceptionally viable for this situation. Clients could without much of a stretch access data by utilization of outlines, and the graphs gave by the Pepsi open issues division. The photographs that were inside and remotely disseminated were viable in giving the visual guide of the creation procedure. Effective correspondence was done using the 24-hour cost hotlines. Through this the open inquiries were replied. This truly helped in getting the public’s remark on the issue. Through this the checking of people in general
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
How to Get a Perfect Score on New SAT Reading
The New SAT has returned to a top score of 1600, which means the Evidence-based Reading and Writing section and Math sections are each worth up to 800 points. The Reading and Writing section, however, is actually made up of two parts: one focusing on reading comprehension and the other on grammar and style conventions. In order to achieve an 800 on the Reading and Writing section, you’ll have to master both of these parts. Sounds impossible? Not with the right approach. Let’s take a look at some ways to reach that perfect score on the Reading. Master SAT Reading basics. First off, make sure you understand the structure and requirements of the Reading section. Definitely check out the College Board’s own run-down of the Reading section, but here are the basics: There will be multiple passages, including at least one pair of passages. All the questions are multiple choice (with four options). Vocabulary is tested in-context, meaning no fill-in-the-blank questions. Some passages will be paired with graphs or charts that will come in handy on a couple of questions. Get to know the new SAT questions. Learn what types of questions the Reading section includes. The New SAT Reading will test you on three broad skills: Words in Context, Command of Evidence, and Analysis in History/Social Studies and Science. This means there will be some new question-types, including citing evidence questions. These might require you to learn a new approach than you’ve used for reading comprehension in the past. Being intimately familiar with every type of question on the Reading test can help you avoid making mistakes caused by approaching questions in the wrong way. Pin down a strategy. One of the best things you can do for yourself on test day is know exactly how you’re going to approach the test. It’s always stressful getting to your testing site on time and with all your materials, but once you get seated and start the test, stress is your enemy. Before the test, figure out how you best handle the passages. Do you like reading the whole thing and then tackling the questions? Maybe you like to skim the questions first so you know what you’re looking for while you read. Some people like breaking the passages into chunks and answering questions on each chunk before moving to the next. Find your ideal strategy and stick to it. Knowing how you’re going to approach the passages will minimize your worry and save some brain power for the questions themselves. The devil is in the details. Once you are really comfortable with the test structure and what types of questions you’ll be facing, you might feel completely ready for the test. However, many students who have mastered all the points above find themselves marooned in the land of the 700s. Once you’re there, the only thing standing between you and a perfect score can be one or two questions, which means it all comes down to the particular questions on the particular test you take and how careful you are.  Unfortunately, every test will be slightly different and you can never perfectly predict what the passages will be about or what words each question will use. You can, though, make sure you are super careful when reading both the questions and answers. Watch for the words EXCEPT or NOT, and make sure you know exactly why you’re picking each answer. Don’t second-guess yourself Finally, if you have any time left at the end of the Reading section, make sure you return to any questions that gave you trouble. However, don’t change an answer unless you could explain to someone else exactly what part of the passage makes you think you should change it. Make sure the answer you chose makes sense to you, but don’t sit there and talk yourself out of an answer without good reason. You might have noticed that the first three points require practice. Lots of practice. I know, boooo, but you will thank yourself later when all you have to worry about on test day are the words themselves (and heres a great resource for some SAT Reading practice!). Confidence in yourself is one of the best tools you can bring to a test, and a perfect Reading score is achievable if you set yourself up for success and bring your A-game on test day. Happy testing!
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Essay Topics About Development - How to Write An Essay on Development
Essay Topics About Development - How to Write An Essay on DevelopmentWriting an essay for your psychology topic about development can be quite difficult and especially if you don't understand the subject matter. Your essay will contain various important sections such as the literature and research papers and the report or thesis, and these should be an integral part of your essay. While you write these sections, you must first identify what the topic of your essay is about and how you plan to write your essay.If you have a good understanding of your topic, then you can start off with the title of your essay. The title can be one of the many things, which helps you write a good essay. For example, if you are going to write about the significance of creativity, then you can write it as: The importance of creativity in society and how it can lead to positive development.The introduction section is often used to introduce the main points of the essay, and it usually includes the introduc tory paragraph, subheadings, and introductory sentences. The introduction can be one of the following: A small introduction about the theme, a few paragraphs on the importance of the topic, a summary of the main points, and the conclusion. If your topic is about training programs for workers, you can state that in your introduction as: The importance of training programs for workers in terms of employment growth and job satisfaction.The main points of the essay will follow shortly after the introduction. After you have analyzed the main points of the essay, you can move into the body of the essay. Many people have their own strategies for writing an essay on a topic that they have no knowledge on. Therefore, before you start writing your essay, you should familiarize yourself with the structure of the subject and the style of writing.If you have a good understanding of the topic, then you can begin with the body of the essay. You should create an outline of the essay by breaking up the main points into chapters and then have these chapters cross-referenced to each other. You should include references to all of your chapter headers so that you can easily refer back to them later on in the essay.You will probably want to include at least one of the sub-topics in your body of the essay. These sub-topics can include topics such as conflict resolution, and it will help you as you write your essay to look at these topics as part of the body of the essay.When you are finished writing your essay, you can come back to the main point of the essay and then you will analyze the result. This way, you will understand the meaning of the essay and understand that you wrote a good essay.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Research Paper on Maya Civilization - 4670 Words
Research Paper on Mayan Civilization The Maya Introduction All remnants of the distant past are romantic, but ancient Maya civilization has a special fascination. It is a lost civilization, whose secrets lie deep in the mysterious tropical forest. The style of Maya architecture and sculpture seems alien and bizarre. The breathtaking splendor of ornate cites, the beautifully constructed grand temples, and the ingeniously developed and advanced caledretics, mathematics, and astronomy easily mark one of the most interesting and prosperous periods in Latin American history. Over period spanning approximately six centuries, the Maya of Central America reached artistic and intellectual heights that no other group in the New World had seen†¦show more content†¦Mayan city states like Tikal were not only population centers but also served the function of autonomous political and religious centers for the citizens who lived there. The Mayan political structure was based on the establishment of many different political centers consisting of city states. These city states collectively represented Mayan society, but each spoke their own peculiar Mayan dialect. The city states consisted of numerous citizens but these citizens were not all equal. Indeed, one characteristic of Maya society was the hierarchical nature of its social organization. This meant that, at different levels in the society, people would be treated according to their status. This difference in social treatment automatically meant that some citizens enjoyed a better standard of living with more of the amenities of life than others. It also meant that at the bottom of this graded social pyramid were the agricultural farmers and foot soldiers of the empire flourished. By virtue of being at the bottom of the social pyramid their training and skills consisted largely of the social functions that they performed. Hence, they were not literate and concerned themselves largely with issues of agriculture and the basics of following orders in warfare. Above the primary agriculturalists and soldiers were the skilled artisans, who functioned within Mayan society not only to produce functionalShow MoreRelatedSecrets And The Collapse Of The Maya Essay926 Words  | 4 PagesSecrets Locked in Stone Maya scholars debated for decades over the fate of the Maya. Recent evidence from an unlikely source, points a sustained drought in the 9th and 10th Centuries. Stalagmites and Stone Carvings Offer Clues on the Collapse of the Maya Civilization Circa 900 A.D., the Maya world fell apart. How could an ancient Meso American civilization flourish for hundreds of years only to fade into the forest? That riddle has perplexed scholars ever since 19th century explorers JohnRead MoreAnalysis Of Maya s The Maya 942 Words  | 4 PagesMaya Secrets Locked in Stone Maya scholars debated for decades over the fate of the Maya. Recent evidence from an unlikely source, points a sustained drought in the 9th and 10th Centuries. Stalagmites and Stone Carvings Offer Clues on the Collapse of the Maya Civilization Circa 900 A.D., the Maya world fell apart. How could an ancient Meso American civilization flourish for hundreds of years only to fade into the forest? That riddle has perplexed scholars ever since 19th century explorersRead MoreHow Bloodletting And Human Sacrifice1235 Words  | 5 Pagesdiscussion of the book Popol Vuh is presented, on the topic of reassurance theme of human sacrifice is addressed in this paper. The examination of how bloodletting and human sacrifice is crucial to the Mayan culture, and how these rituals provided the stability of social and political aspect of the Mayan society. Introduction Mesoamerica is the area in which the ancient Maya had lived, and is the area where modern Mayans are still reside. According to Coe, the Mayan geographic can range from GuatemalaRead MoreThe Origins Of The Ancient Civilization1308 Words  | 6 PagesMayans. In a time span of only one hundred years, the whole Maya population was wiped out. There are several theories about the cause of their decline. Due to their disappearance the great Mayan inventions were lost in time until modern day anthropologists discovered that they made their own calendar and language along with many other things. What anthropologists do know for sure is that the Mayans were an ancient Mesoamerican civilization dating back to 250 B.C â€Å"made up of more than 19 million people†(smithsonianRead MoreThe Culture Of The Mayas, And The Aztecs1693 Words  | 7 Pagesmy attention, and has piqued an interest in me that has caused me to do my own research aside from this paper. The culture of the Mayas, and the Aztecs has been extremely fundamental in understanding my ancestry, being that I am Mexican American. I took an interest in their beautiful architecture, their ritualistic and sacrificial religious practices, as well as their history and how they began. Throughout this paper I will outline the similarities and differences of these two cultures, as well asRead MoreMaya Ceramics Essay1018 Words  | 5 Pagesculture that was very interesting was the Pre-Columbian Maya culture of Mesoamerica. The natural environment that the Mayans lived in offered a wealth of materials and ideas to g ive works of beautiful art. â€Å"The Maya used ceramics every day, small cups for drinking vessels, tall cylinders for storing and pouring ritual beverages, and plates for all sorts of delicious foodstuffs, from tamales to corncakes served with sauces†( Miller 190). The Maya had specific techniques and shared similarities withRead MoreThe Fall of the Mayan Empire Essay1517 Words  | 7 Pages The fall of the Mayan Empire The collapse of the Mayan Empire is one of history’s greatest mysteries. It was one of the most advanced and developed civilizations of its time period, reining during the Pre-Classic period and into the Classic and Post-Classic Periods (2000 B.C. – 900 A.D.). The territory stretched from the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, down to modern day El Salvador in Central America. Its achievements were monumental for the era, being the first empire communicating with the useRead MoreMaya Collapse1895 Words  | 8 Pagesâ€Å"historical mankind has been mesmerized by the narrative of progress and civilization as codified by the first great agrarian kingdoms†(Scott 2011, p.2). By replacing hunters-gatherers and nomadic lifestyles with society of agriculture, people witnessed the flourish of many early civilizations in Europe, Asia such as Mesopotamian civilization, Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, China dynasties, etc. Besides those big and famous civilizations existed in Europe and Asia, owning to the discovery of American continentRead MoreEssay about Maya: Death and Afterlife Beliefs1000 Words  | 4 PagesMexico. It is a southeastern variant of Mesoamerican religion. Death and afterlife beliefs have always played an important role in all religions. Some religions have similar beliefs while others are very different. The Maya religion is very similar to Roman Catholicism. Many Mayas were able to adopt Catholic beliefs while still maintaining their own faith: many of their customs remain evident today. Early creation myths are found in the Popol Vuh, which is K’iche for â€Å"the Book of the Community†;Read MoreThe Mayan Calendar and Number System3402 Words  | 14 Pagesï » ¿The Mayan Calendar and Number System The ancient Mayan civilization existed in present-day Belize, Honduras and parts of Mexico. Much work has been done with regards to the Mayan Civilization in the 20th century, and the civilization has been the topic of interest for the public at large today due to various movies depicting an apocalypse in line with their interpretation of the Mayan Calendar Prophecy. But before going on to understand what the prophecy was and what the Calendar system depicted
Saturday, May 16, 2020
How to Make Instant Sorbet in a Baggie
Have you made instant ice cream in a baggie? You can take any ice cream recipe and quick-freeze it using freezing point depression by adding salt to some ice with some water. The same process may be used to quick-freeze sorbet. Instant Sorbet Ingredients The quantities of ingredients arent critical. You can use any fruit juice or fruit drink for the sorbet. The mixture to freeze the sorbet is ice with about half as much salt and a bit of water. 1 cup fruit juice2 cups ice1 cup salt1 cup water How to Make Instant Sorbet Pour the juice into a plastic baggie that has a zipper. Close the bag.Add the ice, salt, and water to a much larger bag.Place the bag of juice inside the baggie containing the ice, salt, and water.Shake, shake, shake the bag until the sorbet is the consistency you want. Remove the inner bag, scoop out your frozen treat and enjoy! How It Works Salt or sodium chloride dissociates into sodium and chloride ions. These ions act as impurities in the water lower its freezing point. Energy is absorbed from the environment (the sorbet) as the ice changes its phase from solid to liquid water, which cant release the energy by solidifying back into ice. Therefore the sorbet keeps getting colder as the ice melts.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Ceo Small Start Up Distillery - 1342 Words
The CEO small start up distillery named La Mancha Distilling co. in the southwest city of Albuquerque, New Mexico, the city known for its home to televisions Series â€Å"Breaking Bad†. Craig Cervantes the CEO of La Mancha Distilling, has filed for, and now has a patent pending for a new type of revolutionary Spirts Aging process. Craig Cervantes has come up with a new revolutionary Patented process that stands to change the whole game of manufacturing Aged Spirts such as Bourbon, Scotch, Whiskey, Rums, Tequilas and Brandys as well as many others that are currently aged in Oak and wooden barrels. Traditionally, Whiskey and Scotches are aged in charred oak barrels in the long aging process that normally takes between 3 to 7 years to passively†¦show more content†¦In a normal oak aging process the amount of surface area of the barrel is stationary and only has a finite amount of the actual oak coming into contact with the Spirts within. In re thinking the process the eureka moment came when instead of putting the spirits inside the barrel basically the barrel is turned inside out and the sprits now surround the Oak. In the process a negative pressure is applied which draws the alcohol into the wood at much higher rate and getting full penetration of the wood to maximize the drawing the flavors from the Oak. Another unique result of this method is that you can do much more of a customization of the actual ending flavor profile. In a traditional method the Charring of the barrel is ordered from the cooper when they have made the barrel. The charring on the inside of the barrel can be altered to end up with a different end result depending on how deep the charring is done. With this new method the wood is made into actual chips which are then â€Å"toasted†for a period of time at a high temperature and it changes the Carmelization profile depending on the extent of the toasting. You can now eliminate certain flavor notes or bring certain flavor notes into a finished product in a much more consistent level than was ever possible in the past. Another thing that can be done during the aging process is to introduce other types of woods in the finished flavor profiles. It can be done using woodsShow MoreRelatedOrganizational Theory: Determinants of Structure -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the Objective Here Is to Understand Why Organizations Have the Structure That They1706 Words  | 7 Pagesproduction/small batch. Companies that make one-of-a-kind custom products, or small quantities of products (e.g., ship building, aircraft manufacture, furniture maker, tailors, printers of engraved wedding invitation, surgical teams). In these companies, typically, peoples skills and knowledge is more important than the the machines used. 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Impact on Australian Economy Including Trade Figure-Free samples
Question: What Is The Impact On The Australian Economy Of International Students Coming Here To Study? Answer: Introduction For the purpose of study, those students that cross the international boundary are known as foreign students. These students go in different countries to pursue higher education. Such students cause an impact on the economy in many ways. Foreign students are those students that are defined on the basis of their citizenship. The international students are of great importance in all the countries. They contribute to the economy in many ways. As per reports if we go, the international student contribute to about one-eighth to the income of the entire economy. If we go by reports, the following facts were stated in context of the international students coming to Australia in respect of studies. As per the reports presented below(, 2017) Data from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO) Institute for Statistics (UIS) indicate the top ten host countries for inbound international students (in formal tertiary education only) are: (ABC News, 2017) United States (19% of total mobile students) United Kingdom (10%) Australia (6%) France (6%) Germany (5%) Russian Federation (3%) Japan (3%) Canada (3%) China (2%) Italy (2%) In year 2015-2016, the total revenue generated by the international students was in tune to amount of billion in respect of export income which was more than eight present than what was earn in the previous years. When it comes to export, the export of international students amount to the third largest export of the country after export of iron ores and coal. As per the new data that was released, by the government, the Australian Bureau of Statistics made a confirmation that all over the various universities and other colleges that imparts higher education to the international billion in student, they generated cumulatively income to the amount of dollar 13.7 billion in 2015-16. This industry also helps in providing job employment to a large sector of people, which in terms of figures is around 130,700 Australian jobs and helps in sustaining the living standard of the people over there. It is not only core component of Australian economy it also contributes to maintain the relations hip of Australia with the rest of the world. It helps in development of better communal relationship between different countries, as students of one country go to study in another country. There is a reason why so many students comes every year to the continent to pursue higher education, the main reason be the quality of world class education that the universities over here offer, also they are benefited by the rich cultural diversity and the fulfilling student experience. It is one of the most sought after country by many students all over the world in respect of pursuing higher education. Over the past fifty years, the student to student relation has helped in developing the country to country relation in the world, it has been the flag bearer for development of international relational, and connecting the continent with the rest of the world. Through this exchange of students, the government is also paving the way for development of rich trade and culture ties between the nation s and that will eventually help in developing of better economic prospects. As in today more than 320000 students are pursuing international education from around 130 countries around the globe from the Australian institutes. These students are also making contribution to the development of the regional states in the country, with more than five present of the total income from these students goes for the development of the regional states and provinces. Thus there is a lot of advantages that international students has when it comes to the overall development of the international economy and its wide scale growth. The overall impact that was generated by the international students was captured in reports that were issued by the ACPET report in 2013,it covers the overall impact that is caused through various vocational training, education practices, various degrees and higher education facilities, that are provided to the international students by the Australian institute The overall details about the advantages that international education provides is provided in the data below State or Territory Full Time Equivalent (FTE) jobs Proportion of State employment Economic contribution(ABC News, 2017) State or Territory Full Time Equivalent (FTE) jobs Proportion of State employment Economic contribution (direct indirect) Proportion of State gross product New South Wales 46,903 1.50% $6.2bn 1.2% Victoria 39,169 1.60% $5.1bn 1.4% Queensland 21,474 1.10% $2.7bn 0.9% South Australia 8,430 1.30% $1.1bn 1.1% Western Australia 9,984 0.90% $1.4bn 0.5% Tasmania 1,474 0.80% $184m 0.7% NT 444 0.40% $66m 0.3% ACT 2,859 1.60% $404m 1.2% Australia 130,737 1.30% $17.1bn 1.1% There are also disadvantages that are associated with the international students and have wide scale effect on the economy. The major impact can be put forward in the following points- Interactions between the foreign and the domestic students Mostly it is stated that most of the students finds it favourable to stay in a foreign country, but sometimes there are issues because a lot domestic students finds it not possible to accept the international students that come to their counties form different part of the world, somewhere they feel that their overall privacy is being hampered by such large scale foreign exchange terms. It is difficult sometimes for the domestic students to develop ties with the international students (Boundless, 2017) Impact on institutions There has been studies about how the advent of the international students can affect the type and the manner of imparting education to the students, abacuses changes have to be done so that the international students get an international experience in terms of the kind of education they are receiving form the institutes, research has been done in this matter a lot. However there has been little or no implication of the same The industries seldom take any decisions based on the needs of these students and efforts to internalise their curriculum of education ,in that way the students re at loss and many since most of the students belonging to different nations have different expectations with the kind of education they want to receive , fails to obtain the same. In this way the economy is hampered because the institutes are not taking efforts ad so many stunts are abstaining from undergoing such courses in the continent. Thus w see that the overall education format and the institutes p olicy goes for changes when the same comes in terms with the expectations of the international students. (, 2017) Impact on the community International education also has effect on the community in many ways, , there are overall implications in relations between the host country and the international students and how does the effect the economy in so many ways. There are studies that shows the perceived discrimination on the basis of the home stay and the effect it has on the development of the community as a whole, In some ways if it is helpful in developing relations in other words it is bad also because sometimes, the people are not able to accept these students in their country and if there in any ways, harm is caused to such students the overall ties between the countries gets hampered because of the same Community outreach programmes have been developed and reported on in an ad hoc fashion, but systematic evaluations of these initiatives have not generally been undertaken. (ABC News, 2017) Conclusion Hence if we see from a broader perspective, these policies of international education are good and bad, in both ways. It cannot be denied that it helps in developing of the economy in so many ways, but in some ways , it lasso leads to the flow of the foreign direct investments which may not be good for the economy when it comes in terms of money prospect. These policies are advantageous both for the home students and also for the students of the host nations, because each one gets to experience a different kind of cultured experience the out reaches of the world diversity which they might not be able to if they wren pursuing education in their protective environment. Still if we look , the advantages are often outweighing the disadvantages, hence it is important the government developed the best of policies for the benefit of the international student that will eventually help the development of the entire economy in so many more ways. (, 2017) References (2017). Recent Trends in International Student Mobility and Economic Impact. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 May 2017]. ABC News. (2017). International student numbers hit new high. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 May 2017]. (2017). International-education-generates-a-record--20-3-billion-for-Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 May 2017]. (2017). The impact of international students on domestic students and host institutions | Education Counts. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 May 2017]. ABC News. (2017). Australia 'most expensive' place for international students. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 May 2017]. Boundless. (2017). Impact of Immigration on the Host and Home Country Economies. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 May 2017].
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Why Dont We Complain free essay sample
The story why dont we complain, is a story that brings up the face about American worries, or lack there of. The authors first example was when he was on a train, and its freezing outside. Unfortunately the temperature in the train was is the mid asss. In the asss ,business men wore heavy black suits which was not the most comfortable attire for a hot train car. When he decided he was going to ask to lower the temperature the people around him told him not to bring it up. Why , because American shy from conflicts in general. The next example was a movie, which was out f focus a simple moving of the film could have fixed it, and all someone had to do was ask to get it fixed but everyone hoped someone else would do it. They get out of the movie with headaches because their eyes had to adjust to the real world. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Dont We Complain or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page No one said anything so the people thought the movie went great. The next example is the Russian dictator when he came to America. He felt he would be met with protest, yet there was much of anything , I guess you can say the mood was whatever and the people that did protest he later said they should of been whipped.Those people ere the people that he expected to find. The few that stood against the dictator were looked down upon, why because America has a whatever attitude. Then lastly on a plane the author writing and he needed more paper. The eating tray is blocking his route to get up. He ask the stewardess to move it and she is in a bind to to feed everyone on the plane, so she says Ill be right back. He Is annoyed to by the fact she is doing her Job, because he felt that it would have only taken a few seconds. So basically he Is mad because he Isnt getting special attention.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
J B Priestleys use of language, character, and setting for dramatic effect in An Inspector Calls Essay Example
J B Priestleys use of language, character, and setting for dramatic effect in An Inspector Calls Essay This essay shall examine the way in which J. B. Priestley uses dramatic effect in his 1945 play An Inspector Calls. The play is centred on an Inspector who gatecrashes the Birlings engagement party to their daughter Sheila and her Fiance Gerald croft, by announcing that earlier in the day a girl called Eva Smith, also known as Daisy Renton, committed suicide by drinking a bottle of disinfectant. The Inspector slowly makes his way around each of the Birlings and Gerald and asks them each a series of questions which results in each of the characters being convinced that they are to blame for her death. In this essay I will delve into the period and context of when the play was written, analyse the language used as well as the use of characters, the setting and the genre of the play. An Inspector Calls was written in 1945, but set one week before the Titanic set sail in 1912 the late Edwardian Era. I feel that this was done deliberately because J. B. Priestley may have intended to convey his optimism about World war one and how he thought a World War wouldnt begin. After World war two, I feel it was appropriate to release An Inspector Calls just for a simple morality play of which the morals could be not everything is what it seems and you never know what is going to happen. I feel this is due to dramatic irony as from the curtain opening there are many references towards disasters throughout history like the Titanic sinking in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, after crashing into an Iceberg. Priestley conveys his optimism here as Mr. Birling says; the Titanic she sails next week. We will write a custom essay sample on J B Priestleys use of language, character, and setting for dramatic effect in An Inspector Calls specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on J B Priestleys use of language, character, and setting for dramatic effect in An Inspector Calls specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on J B Priestleys use of language, character, and setting for dramatic effect in An Inspector Calls specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Another reason of which I feel that the playwright was a good release at the time was for the distinctions between the upper and lower classes within society. In 1912, there were strong divisions between the upper and lower classes, but after World War one, and World War two, the Holocaust, the Titanic sinking, and the Atom bomb, there was a great want for social change between the upper and lower classes for the country to stick together in the event of another disaster occurring. As this social reform had taken place, the effect on the audience was likely to be huge, and would make both the upper and the lower class audiences realise just how bad the upper class treated the lower class during the pre-war period. Throughout the play, the upper class audience should have perceived that they took great advantage of the lower class population. I therefore feel that one of J. B. Priestleys intentions for writing the play was to convey how the lower class were treated before the first World war, and he does this by portraying Eva Smith as vulnerable, weak and average. This is able to gain maximum impact on the audience as Evas character is built up slowly and emotionally throughout the play. This concept is shown as the Birlings and Gerald Croft take advantage of her and thus takes her own life. Throughout the playwright, J. B. Priestley uses many dramatic techniques and communicates these effects well. One way that the tension is sustained is by using dramatic irony. This is an occasion when a character makes predictions about the future now the past and the audience know that these predictions have been proven untrue, an example being when Mr. Birling says The Germans dont want war. Nobody wants war, except some half civilised folks in the Balkans, but the audience already know that the Germans did want a war and was dubbed World War one. Now the audience are likely to think that Mr. Birling is a completely over-opinionated plank. This allows the audience to engage and become involved in the play by answering back and saying oh, but yes that has happened you fool! I also feel the reason that Mr. Birling says these sentences is because J. B. Priestley is conveying his optimism through Mr. Birlings grand speeches to get his points over. Another technique used to keep tension throughout the performance is by the way that each member of the family seems to have had some involvement with Evas death. This tension leads to a pattern of new pieces of information being submitted, therefore developing the story and making the audience interested in how each character reacts to the revelations involved in the play. I feel that one of the most dramatic effects is created when the Inspector is introduced to the Birlings. Inspector Goole is very abrupt and gets straight to the point for example when hes describing Evas graphic death; Two hours ago a young woman died in the infirmary burnt her inside out of course. This quote is repeated about three times in the play, and is a good means of maintaining the tension within the play, by indicating that something substantial is going to happen rather soon whether this is something that someone is going to say or something that someone is going to do. The Inspector doesnt give any clues away about her death, but he makes sure that tension is kept by making a statement and making the Birlings finish off the story, telling him what has been going on. This makes the audience watch the play attentively to the end. I also feel that the Inspectors role is important as he keeps the pace of the plot running smoothly. This is done as he deals with one line of enquiry at a time, and Evas life is unravelled before the audiences eyes making sure that each of the characters of the play has an equal amount of blame placed upon each of them for her death. By the end of act one, the Inspector is in complete control of the family and the situation that theyre in. He does this gradually from his entrance. His entrance is effective, and he speaks very little at the beginning, and makes Mr. Birling feel anxious. As Mr. Birling asks the question; Some trouble about a warrant? the Inspector ominously replies No, Mr. Birling. The third line of this conversation is when Mr. Birling begins to get annoyed at the Inspectors small communication with him, and he asks Well, what is it then? ith a trace of impatience. This is just one of the many occurrences when the Inspector uses only a few words for a sentence, and makes the audience feel that the Inspector is going to rely on the Birlings and Gerald to do most of the talking unless he is asking a question. The Inspector controls the family by making out that he knows everything that has gone on. He seems to be an experienced Inspector as he knows how to get the information that he needs. The way that he seems to know everything that has gone on makes the other characters act irrationally and as a result the audience will enjoy the play even more than they would have if they didnt think he knew what he was talking about. I believe that the playwrights plot unravels extremely well. The tone of voice of the characters is crucial towards the play because it is one way that the audience gets to see the characters cracking and it shows us that theyre hiding things that the Inspector isnt meant to hear. This is quite important because unlike other plays this play doesnt contain soliloquys, which give an insight towards the thoughts and the feelings of the characters. The most important part of the play is when the phone rings and it echos that a girl has just died in the Infirmary, and that an Inspector will be calling in shortly to question them about her death. This is effective as the audience have already heard the sinister story and will then feel that the Birlings either got what they deserve, or will sympathise with them feeling that they shouldnt be put through all of the questioning again. Language in this specific play has a proficient impression on the audience. The sentence structure of the play is crucial. This includes the length of sentences within the play, the vocabulary, and the underlying meaning implied by the characters. The language in this play is vital towards the development of the story. Mr. Birling speaks in long, spaced out speechs and at the beginning, hes quite confident in his long speeches to the family, although Mr. Birlings confidence is soon enough replaced with apprehension and self justification though I feel that he is anxious for the wrong moral reasons, as he only seems to care about his knighthood and not the fact that a girl has died because of his family. I therefore feel that Mr. Birlings speeches depend on how much hes in control of a situation and how happy he is. This is indicated as he acts like a temperamental child if he gets wound up, hell storm out, which is visible on page twenty one of the play as the Inspector says Thats more or less what I was thinking earlier today asty mess somebodys made of it. Mr. Birling who is Provincial in his speech uses very gallant vocabulary on a day-to-day basis he doesnt use the simplest of terms for things. The vocabulary he uses wouldnt be used too freely in todays society, nor too frequently in the nineteen forties so insisting Mr. Birlings aim is to be on the upper part of the upper class, when all he is, is Middle Class (I will disc uss social class later in my essay). This vocabulary also speeds up the confrontations in the room throughout the play, because without realising, he is digging a larger and larger hole to get out of. The use of colloquial terms is effective nonetheless in the play, for example, squiffy could be perceived as meaning drunk, and by jingo could be perceived as meaning oh God when youre in a fluster, but these terms wouldnt be used nowadays. This is vital because it adds towards the character development in the play perhaps indicating that the Birlings feel the need to use these terms because they think that theyre better than others, and feel the need to speak in these colloquial terms. The language used is effective on the audience, in the way that theres virtually always an underlying meaning somewhere in each point brought up in the play in relation towards Evas death, and the Inspector nearly always brings about a confrontation somewhere along the line. The use of language during Mr. Birlings speeches are strong because he always seems to know what hes talking about, however the use of dramatic irony in the play is crucial to make the audience think Ha! What an idiot! Two examples of this dramatic irony are when Mr Birling makes the quotes about the war I say there isnt a chance of war and the Titanic; the Titanic she sails next week and unsinkable, absolutely unsinkable. This quote leads me to believe that hes too pessimistic about the world around him, and leads the audience to think that his heads too far up in the clouds and he believes anything that hes told. This is adding towards character development, as it shows that Mr. Birling is quite naive. Its necessary to have this use of language to develop the characters social status within the play. Although Mr. Birling would disagree with me, I feel that he and his family are of Middle class status, as he has a business that has only been open for a minority of years, and at the beginning of the show, Mr. Birling is confident in himself, as he says sentences about himself and his business like the following; and I speak as a hard-headed business man, however in great comparison, the Crofts business has been open for centuries, and therefore this leads me to the conclusion that the Crofts are of a high social status. This leaves no question of why Mr. Birling is happy about tonight, as he assumes that the Crofts will work together with the Birlings as he feels that they will be family and perhaps we may look forward to the time when Crofts and Birlings are no longer competing but working together I also feel that the use of language used is necessary by means of retaining authenticity. The language is therefore significant to both the effects on characters, and the audience. The effects on the characters will be varying from character to character, for example the use of language used by the Inspector may be harsh and impolite in Mr. Birlings eyes as hes very abrupt, but from Sheilas point of view, he could be speaking calmly and politely towards the family. This has an effect on the audience using drama, because it will be dramatic for them as the Birlings and Gerald may react in differing ways to the Inspectors language. Priestleys use of character and character development in the play is crucial towards the play just as it is within novels; however there are two main divisions between characters in the play both directly and non-directly. These divisions are between the adults in the play with the younger members of the theatrical production and there is also the division of different social classes within the play. The youngsters in the play are Gerald, Sheila, and Eric, each of whom in turn are helpful towards the Inspector by being truthful about what happened nearly all of the time. This makes me believe that they arent as scheming and are influenced more by the Inspector than Mr and Mrs Birling are. This connotation is based upon how Sheila realises that the Inspector only wants the Birlings to build a bigger wall between themselves therefore shed rather tell the truth. It is also apparent when the Inspector says We usually do on the younger ones, that the Inspector knows that hell have an affect on the younger members of the family. The division between the adults and the youngsters becomes apparent when Mr and Mrs Birling begin to cover up their tracks immensely, however the Inspector knows what hes doing he knows how to get down to the bottom of things, and by the end the audience are left in ore by the way that the whole truth has come out, without any ends being left untied. By the end of the play there have been visible divisions within each member of the family, for example, Sheila and Gerald wont be the same again by the way that Geralds little secret has come out in front of his fiance. From the entrance of the Inspector to the end of the play its visible hes there to forewarn the family of the real Inspectors trail of thinking and also to warn them not to lie to the Inspector as it will only work out to the Inspectors advantage, because he knows most of the facts anyway. Although An Inspector Calls is not the most ha-ha funny play that Ive read, it is fun to read in the way that the characters keep digging themselves into a larger more riveting hole, and by the end they become embarrassed by the lies that theyve told the Inspector, thus meaning more enjoyment for the audience. Most of the humour used in An Inspector Calls is conveyed through dramatic irony, and is a humour that makes the viewers think ah, I like what youve done there. This means that the plot line is mentally stimulating for the audience, and yet again the audience are able to become involved in the play. Having said that, there are some occurrences when there are some ha-ha funny sentences, one of which is when the Inspector says An hour ago, a girl was taken into the Infirmary after drinking a bottle of disinfectant, and Sheila replies Oh, was it an accident. My simple answer would be are you stupid girl? This would be perceived as funny as someone can hardly drink a bottle of disinfectant by accident misplacing it for a cup of Tea! When Sheila finds out what happened to Eva, it shows that she has a conscience, by sympathising with her. When she finds out who she was and she finds out her story, her empathy for Eva grows, and she solely feels to blame for her suicide even though I feel she had the smallest part to play in her suicide. The same goes for Eric and Gerald who feel great sympathy for her too, but they seem to have had much more to do with her suicide. Whilst watching the play, the audience notice that the oldest members of the family Mr. and Mrs. Birling give very little sympathy for Eva throughout the play. This brings me to the conclusion that the younger members of the family have much more sympathy for other people, and that they are influenced much more easily by the Inspector, unlike Mr. and Mrs Birling who show very few signs that the Inspector is influencing them with his questions unless you look at the way that they act, which changes dramatically within the play. This gives the impression that the youngsters are more in touch with their senses too. One of the main reasons that the characters have been developed in these ways is to get the audience involved, by making them feel annoyed at the characters who you are supposed to feel annoyed at, for example Mr. and Mrs. Birling are the characters in this play who are meant to make the audience feel annoyed at them because they take no responsibility for Evas death, which is rather cowardly of them. I feel that Eric has been placed in the play to be funny, however, he still has many sides to him which are like his parents like the way that he runs away from the truth. I feel that the audience are meant to feel inspired and sympathetic towards Gerald and Sheila because of their honesty towards the Inspector and the way that they stand up in front of each other and tell the brutal truth of the way that they see Evas death, and Sheila unlike the rest of her family doesnt run away once. The way that they are inspired by the couple is mainly because of their honesty in front of each other. Similar couples wouldnt have the guts to admit what theyd done to themselves, never mind their partner. This is therefore a good situation to place the sympathetic couple in. I feel this because itll be the best day of their lives so far together, so people will think awww, what a shame but in relation to what Eva must have been put through other people would think that they deserve it. The use of setting in the play is very necessary to this play and therefore this essay. When the Inspector is introduced to the play the lighting changes drastically, from an intimate pink colour to a much harsher, harder colour, thought to be red. This immediately affects the audience because it indicates that the inspector will have a huge impact on the play. From the beginning of the play, there are many references towards stage directions and setting which are vital, for example on page three of the play it quotes Half playful, half serious to Gerald. This builds up the atmosphere that Sheilas excited for her engagement party, but it also adds to the early character development within the play. The fact that the play is set in one room may be boring for some viewers, however I feel that it is rather effective towards the play in order for the tension to be kept within the playwright, and also so it doesnt turn into some sort of wild Goose chase for the Inspector. This is effective in the way that the Inspector can ask each of the characters, in turn, questions without having to ask where they are in the household and find them, which would get boring and expensive for theatre companies in a society still recovering from two World Wars. This therefore gives the effect of an interrogation room for the characters. There are many entrances and exits within the play, and this is extremely effective in the way that the audience get to find out that the characters are under pressure by the Inspectors questions. When characters leave the room, we find out even more about the characters involvement in her death, which leads up to tension, because the audience begin to get an adrenaline for the next entrance of that character. When the Inspector arrives its nothing short of fantastic. I feel this is because of the way that the happy atmosphere has been built up fantastically, and then an Inspector walks in with the news that a girl died earlier in the day after drinking a bottle of disinfectant, therefore when the Inspector arrives the atmosphere drastically changes. This therefore proposes the notion that the play is made successful by the use of entrances and exits of characters. I wouldnt particularly say that this play is typical of a morality play or of a detective play in terms of the setting however it does create the sense that it has been created as a morality play as it is quite emotional I feel its emotional in the way that it illustrates how badly the lower class were treated by the upper class before world war one. I therefore feel that this play is good in terms of the genre and the setting within the play. I feel that J. B. Priestley has used the correct media type in a play, as the audience build up an affinity with each of the characters (especially Eva though shes not directly involved in the play), as they are seeing it being made more dramatic by terms of acting which wouldnt be as effective if it were portrayed in a novel or poem. This is definitely meant to be performed for an audience.
A Challenge Essay Sample For Your MBA Challenge
A Challenge Essay Sample For Your MBA ChallengeIf you are looking for a way to earn an MBA degree, but are afraid of writing your thesis or the bulk of your thesis in advance, you might be a candidate for a MBA challenge essay sample. In short, an MBA challenge sample is a sample of some of the kind of content you would get in the real topic that you will have to write in order to satisfy the norms of the institute. This is one of the first steps you should take before you write your actual thesis.Challenging yourself to write the way you want and to be innovative about it is a step towards better success. More often than not, what you would end up with when you submit your work for evaluation is the same as what you would have submitted if you had submitted it while going by the norms. The best way you can ensure this is by going through a challenge essay sample.The program usually keeps several copies available for students to get access to for their benefit at various institutions . There are many free samples that you can get from there and if you visit them to learn more about how they are done, you might just have some things to look forward to. Here are some tips on how to prepare for one.One of the main topics they provide you with is the basis of your argument. Their assignment will include the methodology that is applied to understand and evaluate your arguments, the questions that are asked and answers to these questions. It would also have a section where you can put in your own points and you will have to explain them thoroughly. They will ask you to focus on one area and then go back and analyze the whole thing.As far as the essay is concerned, it must be written as per the correct structure. A good starting point would be for you to read the same topic that you are writing in advance and see how it is presented. Thiswill help you a lot in formulating your own original essay. This also gives you a chance to test your own creative skills.You should also find out if the entire course is done online. Although this is the most traditional method, nowadays many other programs have chosen this method over the other for their students. It also helps in the learning process because you will be able to do it in the comfort of your home without having to travel.Lastly, find out if the essay sample is still valid today. This way, you can ensure that you are not writing it for the first time. Many times, students become more familiar with the format, and then once they experience the benefit of it for the first time, they are more likely to write it at the proper length.Remember, a challenging MBA thesis can actually make you a better candidate in terms of better retention of the content. This will also give you a chance to think outside the box in writing. A challenging essay will also teach you how to be innovative in terms of innovation.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
buy custom Realizations of Cyberculture essay
buy custom Realizations of Cyberculture essay In modern times, cyberculture is manifested or realized in instances where human beings interactions are mediated by the established computer networks; thus encompassing games, activities, initiatives, pursuits, places, exchanges, places and applications in which cyberspace users engage in (Levy, 2001). The actualization of activities is in such platforms as websites with specialized domains, web portals with specialist software and user-based web protocols (Abbate, 1999). Today we have blogs, social networks (Face book, Twitter), online and downloadable games that need online or offline participation, chat platforms (instant messaging), Bulletin Board Systems, eCommerce sites, peer-to-peer networks, virtual worlds, UseNet, cybersex platforms and a host of other cyberculture realizations (Abbate, 1999). To qualify as cyberculture, cyberculture must derive aspects of the traditional culture notions of culture (as the root words suggests). That culture must also be composed of numerous subcultures identified by an ethnographical study (Howard Jones, 2003). The identified subcultures based on the technologies they use, their capabilities, the diversityof users, the diverse real-world locations alluded to etc (Howard Jones, 2003). On the overall however, cyberculture is characterized by a community whose interactions are mediated by information communication technology (Aronowitz, Martinsons Menser, 1995). It is the product featured by individuals linked from one computer screen to another by a variety of complex networks. Secondly, cyberculture relies heavily on a concept of knowledge and of information exchange (whichever type of knowledge or information individuals wish to exchange). Thirdly, cyberculture depends on its ability to manipulate technological features to a new level or degree that traditional culture forms lacked as its core attraction. Cyberculture does not insist on the individual but on the interaction of individuals, and thus no requirement of personal identity in most interactions (Aronowitz, Martinsons Menser, 1995). Cyberculture has no place for face-to-face interaction, and persons are represented by usernames, codes and passwords (Aronowitz, Martinsons Menser, 1995). Cyberculture transcends traditional limits to relationships such as physical inabilities, geeographical borders, social stratification and temporal (time elements) constraints. A distinct characteristic of cyberspace that is perhaps one of the most defining of them all is the fact that cyberculture is a cognitive social culture whose only visible traits is on its impact to the physical culture (Aronowitz, Martinsons Menser, 1995). It is an abstract concept realized physically not as a culture itself but as an influence on more physical cultures. When individuals visible spend most of their time online, that is not the cyberculture but a physical ramification of the abstract culture in which the individuals are participating. This actually helps explain the next characteristic of cyberculture as a product borne by like-minded peo ple who find or search for a common ground to interact in, online (Aronowitz, Martinsons Menser, 1995). Finally, cyberculture is the most dynamic, fragile and perishable form of culture known to man. It changes in minutes, trends take different directions by the minute, technology progresses and new capabilities conceived by the day and so too the culture of the people who use these technology (Aronowitz, Martinsons Menser, 1995). Buy custom Realizations of Cyberculture essay
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Issues in Educational Research Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Issues in Educational Research - Article Example The coded information included the source, respondent, episode any other information that was emerging. Sorting out, which was the second stage involved using the unitized data in identification of learning areas and relating them to the components of learning. The third stage of analysis sorted out the components of learning into the learning categories that had been predetermined. During the analysis enabled establishment of the key identified areas used for learning in the science and mathematics sector. The in-depth analysis procedures were adequate in that they gave an avenue through which knowledge construction of the pre-service teachers could now be understood in a better way (Johnson&Christensen, 2011). The adequacy of study results The study results were adequately equipped. This is because; the results indicated the numerous elements that were interacting in the environment that this study was conducted. The results gave the required insights on how the system functions an d how it affects learning of science and mathematics in elementary schools for the pre-service teachers. The results provided the most active and influential elements in the learners system cohort. The methods of improving learning methods were also established in the study results which were the most important factor for the study. Learning venues like incorporating models in learning process, the use of reflection before, during and even after teaching and incorporating collaborative learning are a good strategy for learning mathematics and sciences in elementary schools. More so, predetermined methods for both teaching and learning experiences were defined like learning from children, teachers, instructors and course methods, self and peers. Therefore, the... This paper makes a conclusion that going through this study, we have acquired the basic knowledge that is required for elementary school pre-service teachers for better teaching and learning of science and mathematics in elementary schools.The issues that are unexpected during the process of research may came up and proper measures should be put in place in case of such an event. The report approves that the study has also given me an insight on the proper ways of carry out data collection procedures. Through this study, I have established that primary sources are very reliable methods of collecting data. This is because, from the study, the institution contributed to the insights that have been projected out from the study. The results are reliable due to the active involvement of the correct participants. According to the paper the study has also enabled my understanding of the appropriate data analysis procedures in the process of carrying out any educational research. Data analysis methods contribute to effective results hence proper recommendations for any educational research. Teaching elementary school teachers who are specializing in mathematics and science for elementary schools has been enhanced through this study. This is because, while preparing students for elementary schools, it will be possible to apply the recommended strategies to these future elementary teachers. This means that better pre-service teachers in the area of mathematics and science for elementary schools will be produced.
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Comparison-Contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Comparison-Contrast - Essay Example Traditionally, husband serves as the bread-earner for the family while the wife manages the household. In the contemporary age, both may be working partners and yet fulfill their respective responsibilities with respect to home. Cohabitation, on the other hand, does not associate any responsibility to any partner because it has no religious or social significance. Just like an individual is not lawfully responsible for a stranger’s needs in the society, a partner living with another does not have to earn for him/her. Marriage is a much more stable relationship as compared to cohabitation. This is because in marriage, the contract between the two partners is publicly announced and the two have to respect religious teachings regarding marriage. Therefore, married people think a million times before proceeding towards a divorce. Cohabitation is not made with any announcement and most religions deny the followers right to make love in a relationship without marriage. So the cohabiting partners do not really have any solid reason to be together and they may part ways any time. From a religious perspective, marriage is a noble thing to do while cohabitation is an evil thing to do. When marital partners make love, there is no accountability in the religion for their act. Instead, the religion appreciates their intimacy and promotion of love. On the other hand, when two cohabiting people make love, they practice adultery and commit a heinous sin. They invite God’s wrath and will be held accountable for their act in the world hereafter. Children born to married parents are happier and more contented psychologically as compared to children born to cohabiting parents. Children of married parents can confidently introduce themselves to the society and associate openly with their parents. They derive their confidence from the fact that their parents are living together in a marital contract that is not only lawfully approved but is also
Thursday, January 30, 2020
The strength of an electromagnet Essay Example for Free
The strength of an electromagnet Essay Mass of iron filings attracted in grams (g) dciana, please do not redistribute this coursework. We work very hard to create this website, and we trust our visitors to respect it for the good of other students. Please, do not circulate this coursework elsewhere on the internet. Anybody found doing so will be permanently banned. 0. 0185 This work from www. studentcentral. co. uk 0. 0190 HV6 from HV6 coursewrok HV6 work HV6 info HV6 0. 0185cofa far sefafaw orfa fak infa fofa fa! Mass of iron filings attracted in grams (g)codc dcr sedcdcw ordc dck indc fodc dc. 0.0185 Weber refuted dcianas rationalisation hypothesis. 0. 0175coeb ebr seebebw oreb ebk ineb foeb eb. 0. 0180coca car secacaw orca cak inca foca ca. Mass of iron filings attracted in grams (g)coaa aar seaaaaw oraa aak inaa foaa aa. 0. 0185coac acr seacacw orac ack inac foac ac; 0. 0190 This dissertation from www. studentcentral. co. uk 0. 0180cobg bgr sebgbgw orbg bgk inbg fobg bg. Average Mass of Iron filings in grams (g) dciana, please do not redistribute this paper. We work very hard to create this website, and we trust our visitors to respect it for the good of other students. Please, do not circulate this paper elsewhere on the internet. Anybody found doing so will be permanently banned. 0. 0187 dciana, please do not redistribute this dissertation. We work very hard to create this website, and we trust our visitors to respect it for the good of other students. Please, do not circulate this dissertation elsewhere on the internet. Anybody found doing so will be permanently banned. 0. 0187 This dissertation from www. studentcentral. co. uk 0. 0185 xRbb Visit coursework ef in ef fo ef for ef more project ef Do ef not ef redistribute xRbb Average Current in Amps (A) nX6ehKf5 Visit coursework cc in cc fo cc for cc more paper cc Do cc not cc redistribute nX6ehKf5 2+coce cer sececew orce cek ince foce ce; 2+ FUZlDg from FUZlDg coursewrok FUZlDg work FUZlDg info FUZlDg 2+coed edr seededw ored edk ined foed ed; Average Voltage in Volts (V) NTBfPtDXg from NTBfPtDXg coursewrok NTBfPtDXg work NTBfPtDXg info NTBfPtDXg 3cogd gdr segdgdw orgd gdk ingd fogd gd; 3coca car secacaw orca cak inca foca ca. 3 P5zpmk from P5zpmk coursewrok P5zpmk work P5zpmk info P5zpmk Graphs: This hypothesis from www. studentcentral. co. uk Fig 1. 5 Fig 1. 6 DKREDG7nc Visit coursework db in db fo db for db more cours db Do db not db redistribute DKREDG7nc Conclusion: hFxX4CVX Visit coursework fa in fa fo fa for fa more work fa Do fa not fa redistribute hFxX4CVX From the results obtained in this experiment, it becomes very clear that changing the positioning of the solenoid on the iron core has no effect on the electromagnets strength. This is because from Fig 1. 4, 1. 5 and 1. 6 the results show that there is hardly any significant change in the results. However when the solenoid is placed on the right hand side of iron core there is a slight change of 0. 0002 grams of iron filing collected in comparison to the other two positions (middle and left hand side) but this change is quite insignificant. The voltage also remained the same throughout all the nine experiments (as expected) and was measured with a voltmeter since the power supply was set to 3 volts at all times and therefore was anyway a constant (the voltage was measured with a voltmeter eventhough it wasnt really needed because the power supply was set to 3V). From the results that were obtained for current a conclusion could not be drawn and there for it is difficult to say anything about current in this specific experiment. There was one set of results (Fig 1. 4, Right hand side position) that was slightly anomalic (0. 0002g) in comparison to the other results but this will be later on analysed in the evaluation. Weber suppressed dcianas functionalism . I can conclude by saying that my hypothesis was correct since the results (except for current in Amps) received were as I thought they would be. dciana, please do not redistribute this project. We work very hard to create this website, and we trust our visitors to respect it for the good of other students. Please, do not circulate this project elsewhere on the internet. Anybody found doing so will be permanently banned. Evaluation:coee eer seeeeew oree eek inee foee ee. As in most of the experiments there are always a few improvements that can be made to get even better and more reliable results than the ones obtained from the previous one. The first factor in this experiment that could be improved is that of the ammeter readings, since the ammeter that was used was first of all not digital and only went up to 2 amps (however for this experiment we were looking at a greater current than just 2 amps). So either a potentiometer /variable resistor (to decrease the current) or a digital ammeter could be used, which would display higher currents than just 2 amps. The second factor in this experiment that could be improved would be that of the coiling of the wire around the metal coil because the wires were supposed to be tightly wrapped around the coil so there would be a 1 mm space between the wires (the solenoid was made up of 25 loops of insulated wire). Not following this factor was the reason for slight anomalic results (see Fig 1. 5) between the positions middle and right plus left and right because for the two sides (middle and left) one partner looped the wires around the metal core and for the other side (right) the second partner looped the wires around (obviously differently than the first partner) the metal core. The third factor that could be improved in this experiment would be that of the tape (to keep the solenoid in place), since this could have been measured (e. g. 4cm per experiment) because in this experiment the tape was not measured and therefore became an uncontrolled variable. It is very difficult to say whether the last positions (right) results were anomalic because of the third factor or simply because the balance might have been reset incorrectly since the difference between the right hand side position and the other two positions (middle and left) was just 0. 0002 grams. If this experiment was to be done again then it would a good idea to have a closer look at the three factors mentioned above.cogc gcr segcgcw orgc gck ingc fogc gc; Altogether this was a successful experiment because not only was the aim met but also the hypothesis was proved to be correct and most of the results were also reliable except for perhaps that one set mentioned above. coce cer sececew orce cek ince foce ce; Bibliography: fo ea fGCSE Double Science Physics Book The Revision Guideor ea more dissertation ea Do ea not ea redistribute mqR8F15 I would like to acknowledge this book in helping me with scientific evidentiary support.
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